
Career as Influencer: The journey of becoming special from common, make a career in this field like this


Career as Influencer: With the increasing trend of selling products through influencers on social media platforms, this market is continuously increasing in the country. According to INCA’s India Influencer Report, the business in the social media influencer market is expected to grow by 25 percent every year and by the year 2025, the business in this sector can reach Rs 2200 crore. The report has also revealed the fact that influencers are leaving a deeper impact on people than celebrities for product or brand marketing, due to which small and big companies of the country have started preparing a good budget for influencer marketing. If you have the quality to influence people with your knowledge and words, then you can gain popularity as an Influencer…

In the last five years, the popularity of influencer marketing in social media marketing has increased rapidly. Influencers are individuals who have built a credible reputation among their followers as experts in a specific field or topic. They share different types of information and personal experiences of life with the followers. Understanding the interest of the followers, motivate them to use a product. Due to giving true information and reliable review of the product, the followers get influenced by their words and buy the product, due to which the sale of the product increases. This is the reason that in the current era, small and big companies are spending a good amount on Influencer Marketing. Due to the popularity of this new trend of social media marketing, Influencers having more than 1500 followers are earning 50 to 70 thousand rupees per month sitting at home. If you also want to make your mark as a successful influencer, then you can proceed with these steps.

Start with topic selection

You have to start the journey of becoming an Influencer by choosing the field or topic of your interest. The best and interesting information related to the selected topic has to be shared with the audience. Like some Influencers have chosen cooking and some have made their mark as Makeup Artist Influencers. Traveling enthusiasts choose traveling as their subject. Similarly, identify your talent and start making it the medium of your popularity.

Create interesting content

As an influencer, you always have to focus on creating content that engages the audience. In short reels or videos, you have only a few seconds to attract someone’s attention, so the content should be delivered to the audience in a light and interesting way. There should be maximum information in your content, so that the credibility of the audience will increase on you. Influencer has to prepare a social media marketing strategy for maximum audience to see any content. To get a good audience and increase your follower count, you also need to decide when and in what time frame to post the content. It would be better that you look at other Influencers as well and try to give good content from them to your audience.

Know your audience

Before selecting any topic, preparing content related to it and posting it on social media, you have to identify your target audience. To become an Influencer, it is very important to have a strong bond with your audience. This bond will develop in you an understanding of the selection of topics that are liked among the audience. To know about the interest of the audience, you can see the posts of other influencers related to your topic. If you want, you can also create some content together with them. Keep one thing in mind that you must take ideas from other influencers, but do not copy them. Try to create a different identity among the audience and give only reliable information about any product to the audience.

keep the posts regular

It happens many times that people start posting their content with full enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but only after a few posts, the gap between uploading their new videos becomes long. In such a situation, the interest of the audience towards your content may decrease. Due to lack of regularity, your followers can also decrease. It would be better if you prepare a schedule for uploading content and videos regularly. Post content according to the schedule you’ve created – daily, weekly or monthly.

Earning will start like this

With the increase in the number of followers, you can start earning through your posts. For this, start marketing your videos through Instagram or YouTube. You can allow people to place advertisements on your YouTube content. Using Google Adsense, you can allow Google to display your videos. Once you are successful in making a place among the audience as an Influencer, you will automatically start getting offers to publicize the product and brand by showing the brand logo during the video, taking the name of the company or in any other way .

Influencer Categories

Mega-influencers: 1 million plus followers (celebrity)

Macro-influencer: The number of their followers is 5 to 10 lakhs.

Mild-Tier Influencer: 50 thousand to 5 lakh followers

Micro-influencer: 10 to 50 thousand followers

Nano-influencer : 1 to 10 thousand followers

  • There are approximately 80 million content creators in India, which include video streamers, influencers and bloggers. According to a recent survey, the number of content creators in the country is estimated to reach 290 million by 2025, with an increase of 25 percent.

  • According to Kroll, an American corporate investigation and risk consulting firm, more than a third of Indian brands have doubled their budget for social media influencers in the last one year.

  • Marketing professionals are increasing spend on regional language campaigns through micro-influencers.

  • According to a survey conducted by digital marketing agency Icubewire, more than a third of internet users prefer to see posts related to reviews of goods by influencers on popular social media platforms before making a purchase.


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