
Cardio or weight lifting, which option is best for weight loss? Know here

Cardio Vs Weight Lifting for Weight Loss: If you also want to lose weight but are confused about which option you should choose between cardio or weight lifting, then this article can help you a lot. Today we are going to give you information about which of these two is the better option for you. So let us know in details.

Workout is necessary for weight loss, but

Regular workouts are important for weight loss because they speed up the process of calorie burning, not only this, workouts also promote fat loss. Not only this, workout also improves your metabolic function. If you do not know, then let us tell you that exercise helps in creating a state of calorie deficit, which is necessary to lose excess weight. Additionally, working out builds lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism, burning calories more efficiently even at rest. Workout is important but not doing the right kind of workout cannot help in losing weight. When it comes to weight loss, the debate continues between cardio and weightlifting. Both forms of exercise provide unique benefits and can help you lose weight in different ways.

Cardio exercise is important for fat loss

Cardio which is used for short term cardiovascular exercise. This includes activities like running, cycling, swimming and brisk walking. Cardio exercises are great for burning calories. Activities like running and cycling can burn a large number of calories in a relatively short period of time, making them effective for weight loss. However, over time, your body may adapt to cardio exercise, preventing weight loss. To continue seeing progress, it may be necessary to modify your workout, increase the intensity, or incorporate other forms of exercise.

​Cardio provides a variety of exercises

Cardio offers a wide range of activities to choose from, so you can find exercises that suit your preferences and fitness level. Whether it’s jogging in the park, swimming in the pool, or cycling on a stationary bike, there are plenty of options to keep your workout interesting and engaging.

More Cardio Causes Muscle Loss

Prolonged cardio sessions can potentially cause muscle loss, especially if not paired with strength training. While cardio primarily targets fat stores for energy, it can also break down muscle tissue, which can hinder metabolism and overall strength.

Weight lifting is necessary to build lean muscle mass

Weight lifting, also known as strength or resistance training, involves using weights or resistance bands to build muscle strength and endurance. As you increase muscle, your body’s resting metabolic rate (the number of calories burned while at rest) also increases, making it easier to lose weight and maintain it over the long term.

Weightlifting creates an afterburn effect

After weightlifting, the body experiences the afterburn effect, also known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), where your body continues burning calories at a higher rate after the workout is completed. This phenomenon occurs as your body works to repair muscle tissue and replenish energy sources, contributing to the burning of excess calories.

If you understand in simple words

Cardio and weightlifting both offer unique benefits, and the best option depends on individual fitness goals and priorities. Heart related exercises like running, cycling and swimming are excellent for improving heart health, burning calories and increasing stamina. On the other hand, weightlifting or resistance training builds muscle strength, increases metabolism and improves body composition. Ideally, incorporating a combination of both cardio and weightlifting into your workout routine can provide comprehensive fitness benefits, including improved heart health, muscle toning, and overall physical performance. Adapting exercise routines to include a balance of cardio and weightlifting maximizes results and promotes overall well-being.

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