
Car Care: Please pay attention…these 10 mistakes will make your new car junk!

new car It is very important to take care of it after purchasing it. If you take care of some important things in the beginning, you can car Can increase the life and mileage of the car, and can also reduce the expenses on maintenance. By following these tips, you can increase the life and mileage of your new car, and also reduce maintenance expenses.

1. Avoid Long Drive:

The engine of a new car is a little rough in the beginning. Therefore, drive the car slowly for the first 1000-2000 kilometers and do not brake or increase speed suddenly. This will give the engine time to acclimate gradually and increase its life. Avoid long drives during this period.

2. Avoid overloading:

Do not load more luggage or people in the car than its capacity. This increases unnecessary pressure on the engine, which reduces mileage and can cause engine damage quickly.

3. Use Cruise Control less:

Cruise control is a convenient feature, but use it sparingly. It is fine to use on long distance journeys, but do not use it in the city or in traffic. Due to this, there is a constant load on the engine, which is not good for it.

4. Do not tow heavy vehicles:

Do not use the new car to tow heavy vehicles. This increases unnecessary pressure on the engine and gearbox, which can cause them to deteriorate quickly.

5. Avoid off-roading in flood water or river drains

Avoid driving the new car in flood water or river drains. If you do this with a new car, it can cause damage to the engine, electrical system, and interior.

6. Regular Servicing:

It is very important to get regular servicing of a new car. Through this, all the parts and systems of the car are checked and if necessary, they are replaced or repaired. Regular servicing improves the life and performance of the car and also reduces the expenses on maintenance.

7. Protection from sun and rain:

Protect the car from sun and rain. Sunlight can damage the paint and rain can damage the interior. Always keep the car in a shade or covered.

8. Regular Cleaning:

It is important to wash and clean the car regularly. This maintains the shine of the car and can also prevent damage caused by dirt and dust. Will give benefits over time.

9. Correct Tire Pressure:

It is very important to have correct pressure in tyres. This improves the mileage of the car and also increases the life of tyres.

10. How to drive a car:

Drive the car slowly and smoothly. Do not brake or increase speed suddenly. This will prevent unnecessary pressure on the car’s engine, gearbox and tires and will increase their life.

Follow these 10 tips

By following these 10 tips, you can increase the life and mileage of your new car, and also reduce maintenance expenses. A little care and attention in taking care of a new car will last you a long time.

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