
Car buyers beware! People with these zodiac signs should not bring a car home between 17-23 December, see the horoscope here

Zodiac Signs for Car Buyers: Attention If you are planning to buy a car in December 2023 to take advantage of the huge discounts on cars from automobile manufacturers, then wait. In the last month of this year, December, the movement of the planets is going to change between 17th to 23rd and on top of that, Kharmas has also started. Due to change in the movement of planets, it is beneficial for people of some zodiac signs in terms of vehicles and work, but it is not better for people of other zodiac signs. In such a situation, people with that zodiac sign should avoid purchasing a new car or vehicle during these seven days. Even if you buy a car out of stubbornness or out of greed to take advantage of discount offers, it can prove to be painful instead of giving you happiness throughout your life. Come, let us know which zodiac sign people should not buy vehicles between 17-23 December.


Astrologer Vishnu Vallabh Mishra says that people with Taurus zodiac sign should avoid purchasing vehicles between 17-23 December. He says that people of this zodiac sign should think carefully before doing anything new. If you do new work without thinking, you will not get the support of your business partners and colleagues. However, there is no need to be too disappointed in starting a new job or purchasing a vehicle. After waiting for two-four days, good days, dates and times may return for the people of this zodiac sign and the time will soon become favorable for you.


Astrologer Vishnu Vallabh Mishra further says that the time between 17-23 December can be challenging for the people of Gemini zodiac sign. You need to be careful of the people around you. It may also happen that people around you advise you to buy a vehicle in Kharmas and you do that without thinking. However, such a time will not last for long and during this time you will also get some great opportunities. Thanks to your efforts, you will get pleasant results both in the present and future. Therefore, think carefully before purchasing a vehicle and be careful of the people around you.


Astrologer Vishnu Vallabh Mishra tells that between 17-23 December can prove to be a challenging time for the people of Sagittarius zodiac sign. Direct and indirect enemies of people with this zodiac sign may try to dominate. In such a situation, even your indirect enemies, posing as your own, can give you wrong advice amidst the changing movements of the planets. In such a situation you need to be more cautious. Your servants and subordinates will work as per your orders. However, you will have to try to end the disputes with other family members as quickly as possible.

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