
Cancer patient’s open letter to PM, requested to consider these things

Honorable Prime Minister, Johar

Welcome to Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, the sacred land of Lord Birsa Munda and hundreds of brave tribal fighters. May you be a centenarian. Always stay healthy. Be very happy and work for the happiness of the country. Best wishes for this. I am a journalist and also a patient of the last i.e. fourth stage of lung cancer. Before getting cancer, I did not even know its ‘K’, but after fighting cancer in the last three and a half years, I have now learned its meaning. Based on that experience I have a few things to say to you. If you read it yourself or your officers send it to you, millions of cancer patients can get courage to live.

If possible, consider these things.

1. Lakhs of people die every year in India due to cancer. Twice as many people are struggling with this and waiting to die. A few lakh people get cured, but they remain haunted by the fear of its recurrence throughout their life. Many people get this disease again.

2. No major campaign has been launched till date regarding cancer screening in our country. As a result, most people’s cancer is caught in the last stage. Doctors say that if it is caught early, the chances of recovery are higher. Therefore, start a cancer screening program in the entire country. A campaign like the Pulse Polio campaign or the Covid vaccination campaign.

3. The best cancer treatment is done at AIIMS and the government’s Atomic Energy Commission-funded Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and its centers like Varanasi, Guwahati and Muzaffarpur, but the Government of India has not built any major hospital dedicated to cancer treatment at its own level. Has not opened. Therefore, take initiative to establish dedicated hospitals of TMH, Mumbai level for cancer in every state capital including Jharkhand. Where cancer patients can get their treatment either free or at subsidized rates. We already have the example of TMH, Mumbai. When Tata Group can do this, then why can’t the Government of India do this?

4. Cancer medicines are very expensive. The annual expenditure of some protocols is in crores. Most of the medicines for targeted therapy and immunotherapy cost lakhs per month. You already know that India’s per capita net national income (2022-23) is only Rs 98,374. In such a situation, how will the common man of the country be able to buy these medicines? Financial assistance from the government also has its limits. The result is that the number of drop outs in cancer treatment has reached a worrying state. Try asking for data from hospitals across the country. You yourself will become worried. Therefore, either make arrangements for free cancer treatment or control its prices. So that the medicine is within the reach of the common patient. Price is the important reason due to which our country ranks 18th among G-20 countries in terms of use of new medicines. If you want, we can stand at number one.

5. Correct diagnosis plays a big role in cancer. Molecular testing and DNA sequencing is necessary for most patients, but this test is very expensive. Neither the Ayushman scheme nor other health insurance schemes cover this. Issue an order and bring all types of tests and OPD expenses under the ambit of health insurance. You will get the blessings of crores of people.

6. Research and clinical trials play a very important role in the treatment of cancer. In comparison to other countries of the world, the expenditure on this in our country is quite less. Pharma companies also give preference to Western countries instead of India for clinical trials. If you want, this tradition can be broken. Clinical trials and research require financial support and tough decisions. If you want, it can be possible.

7. Now the last thing. Immediately include cancer in the category of notified diseases. By doing this you will get accurate statistics. And, when you have accurate data, obviously the government will be able to take better decisions.

Hope you will read this letter. Will think about these things. Will implement.

If this happens, you will not only give new courage to live to millions of cancer patients, but will also be able to reduce the rapidly increasing cancer burden in India.

Best wishes again. Johar.

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