
Business Ideas: You can start this work on the roof of the house, you will earn well with savings, learn new business idea

business ideas: If you are thinking of starting your business then this news is useful for you. Many times we are not able to start our own work due to investment. Along with this, the fear of losing the investment money remains at every level. But, there are many such ideas, where you can earn well along with saving money. You can start these business from your home. These businesses can be started anywhere from small to big cities. Along with this, there are many agencies in the market that also give advice on commercial use of the roof of the house.

Do terrace farming at home

Terrace farming simply means farming on the roof of the house. People consider farming on the roof of the house to be limited to growing green vegetables only for their own use. But, we can do a bigger job than this on the roof of our house. We can grow such plants in pots or polybags on the roof of the house. In this, from mushroom cultivation to cultivation of such vegetables, we can get a good price in the market. However, before starting it, two things have to be kept in mind. The size of the roof should be good and sunlight should come on the roof. Explain that different types of crops can be grown in race farming, from which different types of food and other products can be obtained. Along with this, we can do organic farming at home. This will give a good price for the product.

put solar panels on the roof

You can save on the electricity bill of the house by installing solar panels on the roof of your house. To install solar panels on the roof of the house, first of all, analyze the roof of your house and see which direction the roof is facing, how much sunlight it receives annually, and whether there are any obstacles on the roof like climbers or trees. Choose a suitable location for the solar panel roof option. You should check the electricity bill of last few months to estimate your electricity consumption. From this you can know how many watts of solar panels may be required for your home. Before installing the panels, select the suitable solar panels for your home. You should contact a reputable solar panel manufacturer and discuss the various options with them. At present, good subsidy is being given by the government to install solar panels.

Mobile tower can be installed at home

People whose house has a big roof can install mobile tower on the roof of their house. These days this business is running in a lot of trend. For this you have to rent your roof to the mobile company. To install it, you have to take permission from the concerned department. Also, select the location, height, and direction of the tower. There should be enough space for the tower to grow. You can directly contact mobile companies or tower operating companies. Take help from a professional company to install the mobile tower. These companies will provide you with the height, strength, and other details of the tower. You also have to make sure that the tower is being installed safely on the roof of the house.

put up hoardings and banners

You all must have seen that hoardings and banners are hung on the roof of many houses. This is also a kind of business. You can also earn handsome money from this business. For this you have to contact many agencies. The rent of hoardings and banners is decided on the basis of the location. However, it is necessary to take permission from the Municipal Corporation before putting hoardings on your roof. Along with this, tax also has to be paid.

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