
Budh Vakri 2023: Mercury, the god of knowledge and wisdom, is going to move in reverse, people of these zodiac signs will progress in the year 2024.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio: According to astrology, planets become retrograde and direct at a certain interval, which affects all small and big creatures including human life. Along with this, this change is auspicious for some and inauspicious for others. Mercury will enter Scorpio in its retrograde state on December 28. In such a situation, the retrograde motion of Mercury will affect people of all zodiac signs. In such a situation, the retrograde motion of Mercury will affect people of all zodiac signs, but there are 5 zodiac signs who can get success in every work in the beginning of 2024. There can be many changes in your life including success in your business and career. Let us know which are those zodiac signs…


For people of Aries zodiac sign, Mercury is the lord of the third and sixth house. Mercury’s transit into Scorpio is going to happen in your eighth house. This house of the horoscope represents longevity, sudden events, secrecy, mystery science and change. The transit of Mercury in the eighth house does not seem to be favorable for the people of Aries zodiac sign. Transit of Mercury in its retrograde state in the eighth house can affect your health. You may suffer from skin problems or any throat related disease or you may become stressed due to sudden events.


For people of Taurus zodiac, Mercury is the lord of the second and fifth house. Mercury is going to transit in Scorpio in your seventh house, hence at this time there is a possibility of you getting some good news related to your child. There will be a possibility of financial gain and progress due to the grace of Mercury. The efforts you are making will also be completely successful. There will be happiness in the lives of people living a love life, you will be successful in keeping your girlfriend happy. Love relationship can turn into marriage. During this time, your respect and honor will increase and you may also get a higher position.


For people of Gemini zodiac sign, Mercury is the lord of the first and fourth house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to happen in the sixth house of your enemies, health, competition and maternal uncle. Transit of Mercury in retrograde state in the sixth house is likely to prove to be a bad time for you as well as your mother’s health. The transit of Mercury can also cause some problems in your home appliances. During this time, some disease may affect you or some old disease may resurface again. The sight of retrograde Mercury on the twelfth house can affect your health.

Cancer zodiac sign

For people with Cancer zodiac sign, Mercury is the lord of the third and twelfth house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to happen in your fifth house, which represents education, love relationships, children and is also called Purva Punya Bhava. Students will also have trouble concentrating on studies during this period. Your mind will get distracted from studies. Women of Cancer zodiac who are pregnant will have to face problems during this period. Those who are in a relationship, there is a possibility of misunderstanding in their relationship.

Leo sun sign

For people of Leo zodiac, Mercury is the lord of the second house and the eleventh house. Mercury is transiting in Scorpio in your fourth house. The fourth house of the horoscope is the place of mother, domestic life, house, vehicle and property. Mercury is the planet that controls your finances, hence Mercury’s retrograde state may prove favourable. Because on the one hand, Mercury has a feeling of friendship with the Sun, the lord of your zodiac sign. The planet Mercury is going to be retrograde in the fourth house from your zodiac sign, hence at this time you can get the pleasure of vehicle and property. You will also get the benefit of ancestral property.

Virgo sun sign

For Virgo zodiac people, Mercury is the lord of the tenth and ascendant house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to take place in your third house, which represents siblings, hobbies, short distance travel, communication skills. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to be in your third house, which represents siblings, hobbies, short distance travel, communication skills, so at this time you may get the pleasure of vehicle and property. Not only this, you may also get new job opportunities during this period.


For people of Libra zodiac, Mercury is the lord of the twelfth house and the ninth house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to be in your second house of family, savings and speech, similarly during this time you will have to keep an eye on your conversations also. During the transit of Mercury in Scorpio, you may have to travel a lot for a project with lots of problems and challenges. However, after January 2, 2024, Mercury will turn direct and changes will be seen in your conditions. At this time, you will also see improvement in your financial condition.


For people of Scorpio zodiac, planet Mercury is the lord of the eleventh house and the eighth house. Mercury is going to transit in your ascendant in Scorpio. The transit of Mercury does not seem to be favorable for the people of Scorpio zodiac. People who are political leaders, motivational speakers or associated with any media field will need to be more careful during this period. The transit of Mercury in Scorpio may also give you some health problems. There may be an increase in sudden events in your life and you may also have to face financial loss. However, after January 2, 2024, when Mercury will turn direct, your circumstances will improve and you will be able to get rid of all these problems.


For people of Sagittarius zodiac sign, Mercury is the lord of the seventh and tenth house. Mercury’s transit into Scorpio is going to take place in your twelfth house and during this time Mercury will be in retrograde state. The transit of Mercury in the twelfth house may prove unfavorable for people involved in business. If you want to start something new in business or want to start a new business, then postpone this plan for some time. People who are employed may also have to face many obstacles in the workplace during this period. Being the lord of the seventh house, there may be ups and downs in your married life.


For people of Capricorn sign, Mercury is the lord of the sixth and ninth house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to happen in your eleventh house, which represents the house of financial gain, desire, elder siblings and maternal uncles. The reverse movement of Mercury can prove to be auspicious from your financial point of view. Because planet Mercury is going to transit on the income house of your horoscope. During this period, you may have to face ups and downs in your financial life. You may suffer loss of money due to some wrong decisions. In such a situation, avoid taking any kind of decisions related to the enterprise during this period. During the transit period you may spend money on material things or for medical costs. However, after January 2, 2024, when Mercury will turn direct, you will see many changes in your circumstances.


For people of Aquarius zodiac sign, planet Mercury is the lord of the fifth and eighth house. Mercury’s transit in Scorpio is going to be in the tenth house of your profession and workplace, if you have your own business then you may have to face frequent obstacles in your work and if you are doing business in partnership. There may be misunderstandings with partners. To avoid these problems, you will need to be careful while planning. At the same time, people who are involved in research work may also need to proceed with great caution during this period. After January 02, 2024, when Mercury will enter the direct phase, you will see many positive changes.


For people of Pisces, Mercury is the lord of the seventh and fourth house. Mercury’s transit into Scorpio is going to happen in your ninth house. This house represents religion, father, long distance travel, pilgrimage and fortune. Mercury retrograde can bring many problems for your domestic and marital life. This period is also likely to be unfavorable for economic life. During this time, you also need to take special care of the health of your mother and spouse. During this period, you are advised to control your speech also.

Answers to selected questions related to astrology will be published

Many such solutions have been suggested in astrology, by following which every problem of life can be solved. These measures also bring success in career, job, business, family disputes and many other tasks. To solve the various problems given below, you can definitely take astrological advice once. If you have any astrological, spiritual or esoteric curiosity, then send your question in short words along with your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth to radheshyam.kushwaha@prabhatkhabar.in or WhatsApp No. 8109683217. Please write ‘BollywoodWallah Digital’ in the subject line. Answers to selected questions will be published in the religion section of BollywoodWallah Digital.

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