
Budh Ast April 2024: Mercury is going to set in Aries, tension will increase in the career of people of these five zodiac signs.

Wednesday Ast April 2024 , Mercury plays an important role in a person’s life. Stomach pain occurs when Mercury is weak in the horoscope. Nails, teeth and hair also become weak and start breaking. At the same time, the power of smell becomes weak. Relations with sisters and aunts get spoiled. In the beginning of the month of April, Mercury is going to be retrograde in Aries and after that on April 4, it will set in Aries at 10.36 am. Due to the setting of Mercury, many big changes will be seen in the careers of 5 zodiac signs including Aries, Gemini and Virgo. Let us know which zodiac signs need to be cautious after Mercury sets…

Stress will increase in the career of people of these zodiac signs

Aries: People of Aries zodiac will have to be a little careful in matters of career, during this time do not make the mistake of taking hasty decisions related to professional life. Be ready for new challenges. At this time, work with patience, courage and intelligence, this will definitely bring you success despite the challenges.

Gemini : Stress will increase for a working person. There will be more work pressure. Negative thoughts will come in your mind. You will feel confused while taking career related decisions. You will remain entangled in new problems. To overcome these problems, remain patient and take decisions thoughtfully.

Virgo sun sign : Transit of Mercury will not give auspicious results. Challenges of work will increase. More negative thoughts will come to mind. There may be hindrances in job and business. Instead of being afraid of difficulties, try to solve the problem.

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Scorpio: Postpone decisions related to job and business for now. Stay away from unnecessary debates in the office. Stay away from court matters. During this period, work pressure may increase. Maintain patience and do not take any decision in haste.

Sagittarius: You will feel lack of confidence. Arguments may increase in the office. Work stress will increase, due to which there will be mental unrest. May become a victim of office politics. Solve challenges wisely, this will provide relief from all problems.

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