
Bpsc Teacher Recruitment: 10 days before Mani Diwali, KK Pathak and Atul Prasad gathered a lot of applause at teachers’ homes.

1,20,336 families of the state have got the happiness of government jobs just 10 days before Diwali. On Thursday, representatives of 25 thousand families were present in the form of school teachers at Gandhi Maidan in the capital Patna. He had appointment letters in his hand. The discipline of the group of teachers, full of confidence, was visible throughout the venue. This happened for the first time in the country, when 1.20 lakh 336 appointed teachers were given appointment letters on a single day based on the appointment information issued through an advertisement.

All the school teachers were seen full of enthusiasm in the teacher appointment ceremony held at Gandhi Maidan. Happiness was clearly visible on the face. Many had moist eyes. Especially his eyes, which had failed many times. The most enthusiastic were seen among the women teachers, who were at the forefront and in the largest number in the pandal. There was tremendous enthusiasm among the newly appointed female teachers. Most of the female teachers were in the age group of 20-24 years. Such was the happiness of being self-reliant that they did not stop applauding every positive thing said by the speakers. There was also a round of selfies at the venue. Women were appointed from all sections of the society. Many women teachers had come with their small children to collect appointment letters. It seemed clear that his success was not a gift from anyone, but was achieved through his own hard work and intelligence.

Amazing discipline seen among teachers

Amazing discipline was seen among the newly appointed teachers. Everyone reached the venue in a queue. Also returned in a dignified manner. They had to reach the halting point two kilometers away from the venue. It was not even known how the group of 25 thousand teachers left the venue for their destination. In fact, there was no jam or chaos anywhere.

Poonam of Patna got the first appointment letter.

In the appointment letter distribution ceremony of newly appointed teachers at Gandhi Maidan, provisional appointment letters were distributed to 35 teachers from the stage. Of these, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar himself gave appointment letters to 10 teachers. Apart from him, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, Finance Minister Vijay Chaudhary, Energy Minister Bijayendra Prasad Yadav, Building Construction Minister Ashok Chaudhary and Education Minister Prof Chandrashekhar have distributed appointment letters to five teachers each. First the appointment letter was given to Poonam Kumari of Patna.

KK Pathak and Atul Prasad got a lot of applause

In the ceremony, Additional Chief Secretary of Education Department KK Pathak and Chairman of Bihar Public Service Commission Atul Prasad received a lot of applause and applause. Even CM Nitish Kumar and Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav praised him. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar praised Additional Chief Secretary Pathak from the stage. Turning towards them he said that you are getting the maximum applause. We are happy on this. Some people talk about all kinds of things. You are doing fine. The Chief Minister also praised BPSC. Earlier, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav praised the Additional Chief Secretary of the Education Department and BPSC.

Someone left the bank job and someone left the railway job.

During the program, people who came to Bihar from different states and became teachers gave their message through video. Many of these people have left jobs in banks, railways, military, paramilitary forces and other private companies to become teachers in the state. Patna ha

Teachers employed in Patna High School received appointment letters.

The appointed teachers who got success in BPSC could not attend the appointment letter distribution ceremony organized at Gandhi Maidan. These teachers were given separate appointment letters to Patna High School. The number of teachers employed in Patna district is 15 hundred.

Provisional appointments will be made in rural schools first.

Newly appointed school teachers are to be immediately tagged to schools in rural areas. This will be considered as a provisional appointment. These teachers will teach in the respective schools. After this, teachers will be sent for necessary residential training. The process of tagging in schools will run from November 6 to 10. Newly appointed teachers will teach here. All DEOs have to do this exercise. Permanent appointments will be made very soon. The Education Department has issued guidelines to all DEOs for this. Teachers will have to be present in BRC from 13 to 18 November. During this time they will have to participate in the orientation program. Its program has also been released. The special thing will be that the newly appointed teachers will be made aware of various schemes of Labour, Revenue, MNREGA, Accounts and Education Department. The orientation program will be held in two sessions.

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