
Boss should never say these things to his employees, otherwise the work place will be a mess

Boss Employee Relationships

Discipline is very important in any office but Be a boss but don’t become a dictator, I am the boss, I have to do what I say.Such statements can show a dictatorial attitude; such statements should not be made because by doing so the employees do not get motivated towards work, rather the relationship should be such that you can inspire and motivate your employees.

Boss Employee Relationships

A good leader will never say, figure it out yourself Rather he will provide them support and guidance.

Boss Employee Relationships

I don’t want to hear your complaints Such statements may show a feeling of ignoring the problems of the employees, it is better to accept the feedback positively.

Boss Employee Relationships

I was at work even on leave, where were you? Such statements create indirect pressure to remain on duty round the clock and this can create a feeling of dissatisfaction among your employees. Working seven days does not prove the loyalty of employees. Rather, leisure increases their productivity.

Boss Employee Relationships

Cost cutting statement: This may increase dissatisfaction among employees, instead provide them support to face problems.

Boss Employee Relationships

You are absolutely useless. Instead of saying this, if you are not getting the desired results from your employees, then understand their efforts and obstacles. Appreciate and motivate for improvement.

Boss Employee Relationships

‘It’s your problems‘ A statement like this can create a feeling of insecurity among your employees. Instead, if you want them to perform at their best, then instead of throwing them aside in a crisis, provide sympathy and support so that they can show their work again.

Boss Employee Relationships

‘This is how it works, this is how it has to be done’ Instead of saying this, the boss should ask the employees for suggestions for improvement and cooperate with them. And the most important thing is to have confidence in your employees and their skills.

Boss Employee Relationships

‘Lucky to get this job’It is not right to say so. Because any organization selects its employees based on their skills and knowledge. Therefore, appreciate their skills and contribution and self-motivate them.

Boss Employee Relationships

Raising questions even on taking earned leave:Breaks during work are essential for physical and mental health. But statements like these can make your employees feel guilty about taking time off that they have earned, even though everyone needs time off sometimes to achieve work-life balance.

Boss Employee Relationships

Along with all this, it is the moral responsibility of the employees to work with complete honesty. Contribute 100 percent towards achieving the goal by working step by step with the leader, who is responsible for the team’s work, with team spirit. Only then does two-way communication create a better work environment.

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