
Bokaro: Weather changed from Michong, cold increased due to rain, life affected

Due to cyclonic storm Michang, the weather suddenly changed in the district. On Tuesday, it was cloudy throughout the day and started raining late at night. The rainy season continued continuously on Wednesday also. The temperature dropped due to moderate speed wind. Life was affected due to sometimes drizzle and sometimes heavy rain. People seemed forced to stay inside their homes. The situation looked the same everywhere in village and city.

Minimum temperature dropped by five degrees

The first effect of rain was seen in the temperature. Till a few days ago, people who asked the question of when will the cold come, were seen saying that suddenly the cold increased. A drop of five degrees was recorded in the minimum temperature on Wednesday. While the minimum temperature on Tuesday was 19.8 degrees Celsius, the minimum temperature on Wednesday was recorded at 14.9 degrees Celsius. The biggest thing is that the maximum temperature was also recorded at 21 degrees. Due to this people were forced to freeze.

Water logging in city center

Due to continuous rains, water logging was seen in City Centre, Sector 04 (opposite Pali Plaza). Apart from this, water was seen on the roads at many places in Sector 09 also. However, water logging lasted only for a short period.

silence in the market

The effect of changed weather was visible on the market. The shutters of small scale shops were seen closed. Big shops and markets were open, but customers remained absent. The situation was such that in many shops there was no supply of food. Street vendors and footpath shops remained closed. According to experts, this type of weather causes losses during the wedding season. Due to the changed weather, business worth Rs 5-7 crore is estimated to be affected in Chas-Bokaro.

carry a raincoat or jacket

Working people faced the most problems due to rain. Especially people traveling by bike to office faced a lot of trouble. The question in people’s minds was whether to travel with a raincoat to protect themselves from the rain or a jacket to protect themselves from the cold. People traveled as per the option. School children also had to face problems due to the weather.

Paddy crop will be damaged, wheat will be affected

This year, paddy cultivation was affected due to indifferent monsoon. The situation was of drought. Somehow the paddy was planted. Paddy crop was affected due to changing weather on Tuesday-Wednesday. Actually, currently Dhankatni is going on. In such a situation, due to continuous rain, there is disturbance in Dhankatni. Many harvested paddy are still kept in the fields, while some have been sent to the barn. There is a danger of crop failure due to unseasonal rain. Apart from this, wheat crop is also expected to be affected this time due to unseasonal rain. The reason is that this rain will increase the amount of moisture in the soil, which may take more time to control.

It may rain even today

The effect of the changed weather due to the cyclone is expected to last for the next few days. According to the weather department, even on Thursday Bokaro district It may rain. However, the speed of rain is expected to be less than on Wednesday. According to experts, after the rain stops, there will be a rapid drop in temperature. Within a week the minimum temperature can fall to 08 degrees Celsius. The period of cold wave will also begin.

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