
Bokaro: In case of any problem, workers can contact the help desk number of Shramadhan Portal.

It is necessary to get bio-metric verification done for all the workers/workers of Jharkhand Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board and Jharkhand Unorganized Workers Social Security Scheme. This information was given by Assistant Labor Commissioner Bokaro Praveen Kumar on Monday. He said that the unorganized laborers include construction workers, migrant workers, agricultural workers, animal husbandry workers, Asha and Anganwadi workers, domestic workers, fishermen, brick kiln/crusher workers, MNREGA workers, rickshaw pullers and other workers. After bio-metric verification on the labor portal, a database of workers in the unorganized sector will be prepared. After this, they will easily get the benefits of various schemes of the Central and State Government. He said that if workers face any problem in Aadhaar verification, they can contact the help desk number 7632996057 of Shramadhan Portal.

Meet these la (registered workers of building and other construction workers)

Labor Tool Assistance Scheme, Cycle Assistance Scheme, Medical Reimbursement Scheme, Pension Scheme, Maternity Benefit Scheme, Marriage Assistance Scheme, Medical Assistance Scheme, Family Pension, Disability Pension, Orphan Pension, Safety Kit, Meritorious Son/Daughter Scholarship Scheme, Funeral Assistance Scheme, Jharkhand Construction Workers Death Accident Assistance Scheme is included.

Registered workers of Jharkhand Unorganized Workers Social Security Scheme

Medical Assistance Scheme, Chief Minister Scholarship Scheme, Funeral Assistance Scheme, Death Accident Assistance Scheme are included.

How can we do biometric verification?

To all registered workers Labor Commissioner Office Bokaro Or you can get your bio-metric verification done by visiting the nearest CSC center.

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