
Bokaro: 2 criminals arrested for demanding service worth Rs 9 lakh from construction company

Bokaro, Ranjit Kumar: A levy of Rs 9 lakh was demanded from the company building bridges in Chatrochatti police station area of ​​Bokaro district. In this case, an FIR was lodged on behalf of the company on April 13 in Sector 6 police station, making the holder of mobile number 9065212712 an accused.

Police formed a team under the leadership of Bokaro City DSP

Seeing the seriousness of the matter, Bokaro Superintendent of Police (SP) Pujya Prakash formed a police team under the leadership of City DSP Alok Ranjan. The team was entrusted with the responsibility of investigating the case. The team led by City DSP Alok Ranjan took the help of the technical branch. The criminals were traced and everyone was arrested on Wednesday (April 24).

With the help of technical branch, levy demanders were arrested

In a press conference at BS City police station on Wednesday (April 24), Bokaro City DSP Alok Ranjan said that after receiving information from the technical branch, a raid was conducted in Tiskopi village of Chatrochatti police station. The accused, 35-year-old Rajesh Karmali, was arrested in the raid.

Threatened to kill contractor for not paying levy

During interrogation of Rajesh Karmali, it was revealed that a demand of Rs 9 lakh was made from the construction company from mobile number 9065212712 as a levy of 2 percent. There was a threat of death if the levy was not paid. On the behest of Rajesh, associate Azam Shaikh was arrested. Both have accepted their crime. After the arrest, both were presented in the court, from where they were sent to jail in judicial custody.

Police recovered these items from the accused

Many things have been recovered from the arrested accused Rajesh Karmali (35), resident of Chatrochatti Tiskopi, and Azam Shaikh (38), resident of Chatrochatti. A 12 bore country-made pistol, one bullet, a fake pistol, a key pad mobile phone of Salicor company have been recovered from them. Police said that many cases are registered against Rajesh Karmali in Barkagaon police station, Mandu police station.

Police officers involved in the raiding team

The raiding team included City DSP Alok Ranjan, BS City Police Station Incharge Inspector Sudama Kumar Das, Sector 12 Police Station Incharge Inspector Subhash Chandra Singh, Sector 6 Police Station Inspector Dhena Kisku, Police Station Incharge Chatrochatti Deepak Rana, Puani Prabhat Kumar, Puani Pappu Kumar, Puani Neeraj Seth. Including armed forces personnel.

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