
Bizzare News: Can neither go anywhere nor eat anything, know about this girl’s rare disease

Bizarre News: Everyone in the world has some kind of allergy. But if you are told that a person is so allergic that he can neither go out anywhere nor enjoy any food, then you will definitely be surprised. We will tell you about one such girl.

Our body is made in a very complex manner, the work done in it is also very complex. We ourselves sometimes do not understand our body. We do not know when our body will react when we come in contact with something. We will tell you about a girl who has so many types of allergies that she cannot even go out of her house. This girl is not able to live a normal life. She has been forced to spend her life in one room.

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According to the New York Post, a girl named Amy Frances Smith is allergic to all those things which people consider normal. She tells about her condition that she has so many types of allergies that she starts feeling sick just thinking about them. He came to know about his allergy in 2015, after which he had to face a lot of difficulties. The things we eat every day become the cause of allergy. They are allergic to smells that we don’t even know about. People are quite surprised to know about this strange disease.

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Amy was first diagnosed with allergy to tomatoes and peanuts. Gradually he started getting allergic to bread, fruits and grains also. Not only this, he is also allergic to carbonated water, public transport, heat and cold. Many times even the doctors found it difficult to understand her disease, many times Amy was told that she was making excuses. When she came in contact with the things to which she was allergic, she would get a strange shock. Is. As soon as they come in contact with these things, they develop hives on their skin and difficulty in breathing. Many times they have to stay in the hospital for weeks. Amy can eat only 4 things, which include a special type of meat, zucchini, brinjal and rice. Due to eating only 4 things, she has also become a victim of malnutrition.

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