
Bizarre: Staff received company mail 6 months after leaving the job

Bizarre Viral Post: Nowadays people are sharing such things on social media that sometimes you will hold your head, and sometimes you will burst out laughing. Recently, in one of his posts on Reddit, a user said that 6 months ago a company fired him from his job. After so many days, he burst out laughing after seeing the e-mail he had received from the company. This is the reason why this Reddit post has gone viral.

Viral post from Reddit

The viral post is from Reddit, in which a user has shared a screenshot of his old boss’s e-mail. This mail was sent to demand the password of the laptop, which was being given to another employee after the factory reset. In the mail, the boss had also promised his former employee that the information given by him would be kept confidential and with his help only the laptop would be reset.

Reddit Viral Post.jpg
Viral: 6 months after leaving the job, the employee received a mail from the company, such a demand was written, you will not be able to stop laughing 2

What is the laptop password?

A user wrote on Reddit, this mail made me laugh. The user has told that this company had called me for management. I got that job, but lost it within a month. Now they are asking me for the password of my laptop. Many users are commenting on this post which is going viral. In this sequence, one wrote – He will never be able to remember the old password after six months.

Bizarre! This is how the girl took revenge from the boss! Change everyone’s e-mail passwords as soon as you leave the job, tell the whole story on Instagram

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