
Bizarre News: Woman talked to her dead mother, how was this possible?

Bizarre News: Whenever any person dies in our house, it directly impacts our mental and emotional health. Many times, those who die are very close to us, due to which it takes us a long time to forget them. Recently, an incident has come to light in which a woman said that she had talked to her dead mother. The woman told that she was very depressed and sad after the death of her mother. She was not able to forget her mother’s death. The woman further told that she talked to her mother a few years after her death. But how was this possible? Let us know from them only.

Mother died in 2018

Let us tell you that this case is from Berlin, Germany. Here the woman from Sirin Malas lost her mother due to kidney failure in the year 2018. His mother was 82 years old. Sirin Malas had given birth to her first child shortly before her mother died. When his mother died, he could not bear the shock. Sirin always remained in shock. But, he finally found a way to come out of this shock. According to a media report, Sirin thought of turning towards Artificial Intelligence. With the help of which she was able to talk to her mother even after many years of her death. Sirin wanted her mother to meet her granddaughter. It was very difficult for Syrian to do this because she had now left Syria and come to live in Germany.

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Talked to mother with the help of AI

Sirin told that, when you are weak then in such a situation you accept everything. To talk to her dead mother, Serene took the help of an AI tool named Project December. This tool creates AI forms of dead people. To prepare this, the relatives of the deceased have to give information about all the things related to the deceased. For example, the age of the deceased and their relationship with them. You have to fill all these details in a form.

This is how the profile is prepared with the help of AI

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT2, this AI chatbot creates a profile of the deceased person as per the given information. After this, users can talk to dead people with the help of AI chatbot. Founder of this app, Jason Rohrer said that more than 3,000 people have used this app. Which mainly includes those people who have lost their loved ones due to some reason.

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