
Bizarre News: Teacher fainted after reading answer sheet

Bizarre News: Every day some answer sheets written by students go viral on social media. The main reason behind them going viral could be the strange and out-of-the-box answers written in them. Recently, such an answer sheet written by a student has come to light, after reading which even the teacher was shocked. The teacher found something in the answer sheet that he shared on social media. After being shared, this answer sheet started going viral very fast on social media platforms. Let us tell you that in this answer sheet the student had not written the answers to pass. After getting the answer sheet, the student left it after only writing the questions on it. But, later he wrote a special mantra in that copy. When the teacher checked the copy, he was shocked after reading this mantra. He could not believe that this student had resorted to mantra to pass the examination.

You will laugh after reading the mantra

Till date you must have seen many types of answer sheets. Students often write various tricks and answers to pass the examination. But, in the sheet we are talking about today, the student had written a mantra in place of the answer to pass. You might have recited a mantra in many ways in your life, but there was such a mantra written in this sheet which will make you laugh. This student had written in his notebook, “Come my copy to the teacher, if you wish then he will pass it.” As soon as the answer was read, the teacher put a cross and gave zero marks.

note hidden in the middle of the copy

This student still did not stop, after writing the mantra, he also placed two hundred rupee notes in the middle of the copy. He also hid these notes in a completely different way. He had hidden these notes in such a way that no one could easily take them out.

Also Read: Bizarre News: This man saved lakhs of rupees by eating food left by others, never seen such a trick before

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