
Bistupur: Youth beaten by traffic police for making a video of abusing during vehicle checking

Photo- Dubey ji

Senior correspondent, Jamshedpur:

A traffic policeman hit youth Suraj Gupta on his private parts for abusing him during checking near the traffic police station under Bistupur police station. Suraj Gupta got injured after being hit by a policeman. After that he was brought to MGM Hospital for treatment. Where he was treated. Suraj Gupta is the son of Telco resident AJSU leader Manoj Gupta. The incident happened on Thursday night. Regarding the incident, Sooraj’s companion Aslam, who was present on the scooter with him, told that both of them had gone to Bishtupur to find out the price of the printer. After finding out the price of the printer, both of them were returning. Both were not wearing helmets. Neither did they have a driving license. While passing near Bistupur roundabout, he suddenly ran in front of the traffic police vehicle. After applying the brakes the policeman started taking out the keys from his car. When both of them protested against taking out the keys, the policemen started abusing both of them. With the policeman abusing, Suraj started making a video of the policeman on his mobile. Seeing the video being made, the policeman attacked Suraj’s private parts with his knee. Due to which he fell on the spot. After that Suraj informed this to his father. After which the father and some other people reached Bistupur and brought both of them to MGM Hospital.

AJSU leader Manoj Gupta said that the police has the right to collect fine during checking. If the child was not wearing a helmet or did not have the documents, there is a provision to charge a fine. Not to fight. In such a situation, some big incident can also happen. He will complain to the Senior Superintendent of Police in this regard.


Police’s side:

During vehicle checking, both the boys were going on scooter without helmet. Seeing this, the policeman asked both of them to stop the car. During this, the policeman took out the keys of his car and asked him to go to the side. But they started opposing him. During this time a young man fell from the car. Due to which he got hurt. The allegation of attack on the genitals by the policeman is completely false.

Manoj Tiwari, Traffic Police Station Incharge, Bistupur

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