
Bihar’s daily wages are better than Gujarat’s, know how much wages the laborers in agriculture and construction sector are getting.

Patna. There are big debates in the country regarding laborers and wages. But even states like Gujarat are at a loss in terms of paying wages to workers. Even though per capita income of Gujarat is many times higher than Bihar, wages in agriculture and construction work are higher in Bihar than in Gujarat. The per capita income of the people of Gujarat is Rs 241930. The wage rates in these two sectors are only Rs 323.2 and Rs 241.9 respectively. Whereas in Bihar, per capita income is Rs 54111 and wages are Rs 342.80 and Rs 308.70. This has been revealed in the latest report released by RBI regarding the financial condition of the states.

Highest wages in Kerala

The highest wages are paid in Kerala in the country. At the same time, daily wage of Rs 852.60 per laborer is given. Whereas in comparison to Kerala, wages are given less in all other states. In terms of wages, Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu are second and third respectively. Even then there is a big difference in wages here compared to Kerala. Compared to Kerala, the wages here are only half the amount. The wage in Jammu and Kashmir is Rs 534.50. The daily wage in Tamil Nadu is Rs 500.9 per person.

The condition of daily wage earners is worst in Madhya Pradesh.

Lowest wages are in Madhya Pradesh. In Hindi speaking states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, the situation in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar is better than Madhya Pradesh. In UP and Bihar, wages are Rs 352.80 and Rs 342.80 respectively, whereas in Madhya Pradesh, workers get an average of Rs 278.7 per day. If we talk about per capita annual income in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, then every person here has an income of Rs 83565, 54111 and 140583 respectively.

Wages table in agriculture and construction work

State Construction Work Agriculture Work Per Capita Income, Wages in Rupees Wages in Rupees in Rupees

  • Bihar 342.80 308.7 54111

  • Gujarat 323.2 241.9 241930

  • Uttar Pradesh 352.80 309.3 83565

  • Madhya Pradesh 278.7 229.2 140583

Women’s participation increased in agriculture sector

Women’s participation in the agricultural sector is increasing. Now women are not limited to just the boundary walls, but are also engaged in making the fields and barns green again. Based on a survey in the country, the Labor Ministry has released a report on women employees. This report has revealed that at the all India level, the maximum number of women are in the agriculture sector. The estimated number of female workers here is 63%, while according to the Annual Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) Report 2021-22, the estimated percentage distribution of female workers in the manufacturing industry is 11.2%.

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