
Bihar Weather: The wait is over, monsoon reaches Patna, rain gives people relief from heat

The long wait of the residents of Patna ended on Wednesday. Monsoon has finally knocked in Patna. On Wednesday night, around 9.30 pm, it rained for half an hour and drenched the entire city. Due to this, the temperature of the city decreased and people breathed a sigh of relief from the heat.

Recorded decrease in maximum temperature

The forecast regarding rain was issued by the Meteorological Center. There is a possibility of cloudy day and light to moderate rain on Thursday as well. Due to cloudy conditions throughout the day on Wednesday, a decrease in the day’s maximum temperature was recorded. The maximum temperature of the city was 39.2 and the minimum temperature was 29.2 degree Celsius.

Monsoon rains after a long wait

According to the Meteorological Center, monsoon has become active in all parts of the state. There is a possibility of rain in many districts from June 24. This will provide relief to the people who have been suffering from severe heat and heat stroke for many days. It is known that the monsoon covers the entire Bihar including Patna till June 15. But, this time even after a delay of five to six days, the monsoon has not yet gained momentum in the entire state. Due to this, heat wave-like conditions have prevailed in many districts of the state. After Wednesday’s rain, the whole of Bihar is expected to get relief.

50 people feared dead due to heat wave in june

On the other hand, since the beginning of this month, people have witnessed heat wave havoc in most parts of the state. Whose effect has reduced at the moment. By the middle of June, the havoc of Lu suddenly reached its peak. During this, a large number of people fell ill due to the heat wave and were admitted to the hospitals. More than 50 people are expected to die due to heat wave. However, the death due to Lu has not been confirmed yet. Now the government is collecting its actual figures.

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