
Bihar Weather: Know the date of onset of cold in Bihar, effect of cyclone will also be visible! Know when the weather will change..

Bihar Weather Report: The weather of Bihar is now taking a turn and people have started feeling the pink cold. Last month, when the monsoon returned, it rained heavily and along with the farmers, other people also got relief. Dry fields got adequate water and people got relief from heat and humidity. And after the return of monsoon, the mood of the weather once again (Bihar season) Has changed. There is light sunshine in the sky and with the onset of evening, light cold has also started knocking. A question has started arising in the minds of people that this year the cold (Bihar Winter Session) When is she going to knock? The Meteorological Department has given a lot of information regarding this. It has been told when the weather patterns can change in Bihar and what is the big update regarding rain and cold.

The weather has started changing, know what is the information about cold.

The effect of snowfall on the mountains is gradually becoming visible in Gopalganj also. The minimum temperature record of the last four years was broken as the mercury fell by four and a half degrees on Saturday. Along with this, cold has also set in and shivering in the night has started indicating change. In the last five days the temperature has increased by three to four degrees Celsius. There is a possibility of further decline in the maximum temperature in the coming week. The weather started changing from Friday night itself due to cold winds. Although there is no significant impact during the day, because the maximum temperature still stands at 31.8 degrees Celsius. On October 16, the maximum temperature was 36 and the minimum was 21.8 degrees Celsius. On Saturday, the minimum temperature was recorded at 18.1 and the maximum temperature was 31.8 degrees Celsius. Due to drop in minimum temperature, slight shivering has started being felt at night. BHU meteorologist Dr. SN Pandey said that due to the effect of El Nino, there is a huge difference in the temperature of day and night. This weather trend will continue for the next five-six days.

Bhagalpur weather forecast

The temperature of Bhagalpur district (Bhagalpur Weather) is gradually decreasing. As the evening approaches, coolness begins to dissolve in the air. Dew starts falling in the open fields. People have now started sleeping covered with sheets at night. The weather will remain clear till Dussehra. But due to the cyclonic effect developing in the Bay of Bengal, there will be strong winds in the district from the night of 24th October to 25th October. Rain has also been predicted. This will further reduce the temperature of the district.

Cyclonic effect will be visible, know how the weather will change..

Dr. Sunil Kumar, Nodal Officer of Rural Agriculture Meteorological Service of BAU Sabour, said that due to the cyclonic effect, the easterly wind pressure will increase in Bhagalpur district. With the combination of westerly winds, a rain system will develop. Here, on Saturday the temperature of the district was 32.4 degrees and the minimum temperature was 18.5 degrees. There is a possibility of clear sky in Bhagalpur between 22nd to 24th October. Light rain may occur at some places on October 25. There will be a slight drop in temperature.

How cold will it be this time?

According to media reports, this time the winter season will be shorter and the reason for this has also come to light. Weather experts say that due to El Nino, there will not be much cold in the coming winter season. It is possible that the winter season will also be shorter. That means the cold will not last for long. People may face less severe cold. There is a possibility of normal cold from November to February. However, no forecast for the winter season has been issued by the Indian Meteorological Department yet. But meteorologists are definitely giving predictions regarding the weather in the coming days.

Weather is beneficial for crops

The meteorologist said that this temperature is most beneficial for vegetable crops. Due to moisture in the weather, farmers can prepare for sowing of early crops potato, onion and pulses. Daily Temperature Range (DTR) is highest in October, November and February, March. Farmers were advised to regularly inspect the paddy crop. Spray the medicine in case of pest or disease infestation.

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