
Bihar Weather: Heat will increase further in Bihar, Patna temperature reaches 41.5 degree Celsius


The weather of Patna is continuously getting hotter. Patna’s temperature was recorded at 41.5 degree Celsius on Saturday. It is believed that there will be a further increase of three to four degrees in the next few days. Along with this, heat wave or heat wave will also start running in Patna. Due to this warming mood of the weather, the process of patients reaching the hospitals every day after falling prey to it has also started. Doctors are apprehensive that in the next few days the number of patients reaching the hospital due to heatstroke is going to increase significantly. In such a situation, many precautions are necessary so that the weather of the city does not spoil your health.

Westerly wind will have effect in the next five days

There is a flow of north-westerly wind in Patna. This will remain for the next five days. Due to its effect, the weather of the state will remain dry for the next five days and the maximum temperature is expected to increase by two to four degrees Celsius from normal. According to the Meteorological Center Patna, during the next 48 hours, the surface wind speed is expected to be 15-20 km per hour and the wind speed will be 30 km per hour with gusts. Patna was the hottest in the entire state on Saturday. The temperature of Patna is expected to be 42 degree Celsius on 16 and 17 April and 43 degree Celsius on 18 April.

Reduced traffic on the roads in the afternoon

Nowadays, at 10 in the morning, the sun starts spewing fire from the sky. It is sunny till 4-5 in the evening. Due to this, the roads of Patna are remaining empty in the afternoon. On Friday, due to increasing heat and heat web, a lockdown-like view was seen on the roads. Very few people were seen on the streets. People stayed indoors to avoid the heat. On the other hand, due to the speedy construction works in many areas of the city, the situation of dust and jam is being created in various areas throughout the day. Due to which the problems of the people have increased.

Patna’s temperature will increase further

Meteorologist Sanjay Kumar of Meteorological Center Patna says that the temperature of Patna is expected to increase by two to four degrees in the next few days. Along with this, heat wave or heatwave will prevail in entire Bihar including Patna. At present there is no sign of storm water due to which there is no sign of drop in temperature at present. He told that if the temperature goes above 40 degree Celsius and it is 4.5 degree or more than normal, then it is called heat wave or loo.

Need to stay away from strong sunlight and heat

Famous physician of the city Dr. Diwakar Tejashwi says that it is getting hot these days, in the next few days heat wave will also start. In such a situation, some precautions are necessary to avoid getting ill. Wear loose and cotton clothes in this season so that it can absorb sweat. Be careful in food, avoid eating spicy and fried foods. Do not go out of the house on an empty stomach, do not go out of the house on an empty stomach at all. These days there is a shortage of water and salts in the body, so always keep water and ORS with you and keep drinking it. Apart from this, eat fresh food these days. Do not allow children and elders to leave the house between 11 am and 3 pm. If it is a compulsion to leave, then stay somewhere in the middle of the way at a shady place for a while. Do not leave children and the elderly in the sun in a closed vehicle.


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