
Bihar Weather: Heat stroke alert in Bihar, temperature in Gaya crosses 43 degree, wards prepared in hospitals


Patna. The heat in Bihar has broken its previous record. Fire is raining from the sky in Bihar’s Gaya city. The temperature here crossed 43 degrees around noon. As soon as 10 in the morning, due to scorching sun and hot wind, it has become difficult for people to leave their homes. The mercury has been rising in Gaya district for 10 consecutive days. In view of this, the Meteorological Department has issued an alert of heat stroke in the city. After this alert of the Meteorological Department, the Health Department is also on alert mode.

health department alert

In this regard, Civil Surgeon Dr. Ranjan Kumar Singh said that the health department is on alert regarding the increasing heat wave and the possibility of heat stroke in the district. Preparations have also been completed from the administrative level. In view of the scorching heat, 25 beds have been reserved in the pre-fabricated ward of Anugraha Narayan Magadh Medical College Hospital, 10-10 in sub-divisional hospitals, 5-5 in community health centers and 2-2 beds in primary health centers.

DM’s appeal – people stay at home

Here, District Officer Dr. Thiagarajan SM has appealed to the residents of the district to avoid the bad effects of hot winds and heat wave by following the advisory issued by the Disaster Department and the measures mentioned below. Do not leave the house without necessary work. Compulsorily wear a towel or cap on your forehead while going out in the sun. The DM has not yet issued any guidelines regarding such schools.

Disaster department issued measures to avoid heat stroke

  • Drink water as often as possible, drink water again and again.

  • Always keep drinking water with you while traveling.

  • Whenever you go out in the sun, try to wear light colored loose fitting and cotton clothes.

  • Use sunglasses.

  • Keep your head covered with a pot or cap.

  • Always wear shoes or slippers.

  • Eat light food, eat more seasonal fruits with high water content like watermelon, cucumber, cucumber, melon, orange etc.

  • Consume homemade beverages like lassi, salt-sugar solution, buttermilk, lemon-water, mango panna etc regularly.

  • Include raw onion, sattu, mint, fennel and poppy seeds in your daily diet.

  • Stay up-to-date on local weather forecasts and upcoming temperature changes from a variety of reliable sources.

  • If you do not feel well or feel dizzy, contact the doctor immediately.

what not to do?

  • As far as possible do not go out in the hot sun.

  • Do not do too much physical work in high temperature.

  • Minimize or don’t consume intoxicants like tea, coffee and hot drinks like yellow tobacco.

  • Avoid or reduce intake of high protein foods like meat, eggs and dry fruits, which increase body temperature.

  • If the person vomits or faints due to heat or heat stroke, do not give him anything to eat or drink.

  • Do not leave children alone in closed vehicles.

What to do when you get heat stroke?

  • Make the heat stroked person lie down in the shade. If there are tight clothes on his body, loosen them or remove them.

  • Wipe the body of a heat stroked person with a cold wet cloth or bathe him with cold water.

  • Use coolers, fans etc. to reduce his body temperature.

  • Keep wet and cold cloth on his neck, stomach and head again and again.

  • Give that person ORS/lemon-water, salt-sugar solution, buttermilk or syrup to drink which can increase the amount of water in the body.

  • If the condition of a heat stroked person does not improve within an hour, then immediately take him to the nearest health center.


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