
Bihar: Teen shot and thrown in temple in Gaya, body found on railway track

Fearless criminals shot dead a young man in Gaya. His body has been recovered by the police from the Gaya-Patna railway line. Speaking about going to the market, a teenager from Bahelia Bigha village of Tikari police station area was shot in the temple and the body was thrown on the side of the railway track.

dead body found on railway track

The body of an 18-year-old youth has been recovered by the Belaganj police on the railway track near the halt towards the Gaya-Patna railway line. The young man was shot dead in the temple. The deceased has been identified as Ansh Awasthi alias Sintu, 18-year-old son of Basukinath Awasthi, a resident of Bahelia Bigha village of Tikari police station area.

Dead body found thrown on railway track

In this regard, the relatives of the deceased told that Ansh had left the house on Friday evening in the name of going to the market. He did not return till late evening, so the family members were searching. Information was received on Saturday morning that your son’s body was thrown on the railway track between Ore and Neyamatpur Halt in Belaganj.

Relatives claim.

After the information, the running relatives reached Belaganj and identified the dead body. The relatives are telling the reason for the incident to be a dispute related to the land with some people of the village. Here, the police of Belaganj police station took the dead body into custody and got it done for postmortem and handed it over to the relatives for the last rites.

shot in the temple

Basukinath Awasthi, father of the deceased, has pleaded for justice by giving a written application at Belaganj police station. Belaganj police station officer Upendra Kumar Singh said that the criminals shot and killed the teenager in the temple. In the light of the application of the father of the deceased, the police is probing the matter. The police will soon complete the investigation of the incident.

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