
Bihar: Teachers will not do the work of caste calculation in school timing, KK Pathak issued a new order

Bihar Education Department’s Additional Chief Secretary KK Pathak keeps on issuing one or the other decree or order to improve the educational system of the state. In this episode, KK Pathak has issued a new order on Tuesday. He said that now the teachers of government schools of the state will now engage in the work of caste enumeration after school timings. Earlier, KK Pathak had issued an order banning the deputation of teachers in other non-academic works except caste enumeration. But now he has put a condition in this also. KK Pathak has written a letter in this regard to the DMs of all the districts.

KK Pathak sent a letter to all the District Magistrates

In a letter written to the District Magistrates, Additional Chief Secretary of the Education Department KK Pathak has told all the district officials of the state that the work of caste enumeration is now almost complete, only data entry work is left. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to take the services of teachers after school hours. Therefore, it is requested that for the remaining work of caste-based census, necessary action should be taken to take the services of teachers after school hours.

After the school period, teachers will be engaged in the work of caste enumeration

Additional Chief Secretary has told the district officials that since the work of caste census has been completed. Now only the work of data entry is left, before that Pathak has directed the district officials to send them for the work related to caste census only after teaching them from the teachers.

Caste enumeration work in final stage

Let us tell you that the work of caste census going on in Bihar is in the final stage. The work of survey of families has been completed. Along with this, 50 percent of the data entry work has also been completed. After the completion of the field survey, its certificate has been made available by all the districts to the state headquarters. The data obtained during the field survey is currently being entered through Beltron. Data entry work is also expected to be completed soon. For this, the help of technical experts is also being taken. In the second phase, all the data and information collected from house to house by all the enumerators is being entered online. According to sources, data entry work is in the final stage in many small districts. It is expected to be completed in a day or two.

There was a ban on deputation of teachers in non-academic work

On the other hand, before this, KK Pathak had issued an order through a letter to the District Magistrates saying that the teachers of the state cannot be appointed for any other administrative work other than caste enumeration. In the order, KK Pathak had banned the appointment of teachers for non-academic work. Along with this, he had also banned teachers from becoming trainers. He had said that the education of children is being affected due to the re-appointment of teachers. Along with this, he had said that while re-appointing teachers for caste enumeration, it should be kept in mind that no school becomes teacherless. It is also important to keep in mind during the counter-appointment that studies should not be interrupted due to this.

KK Pathak remains in headlines every day

Additional Chief Secretary of Education Department KK Pathak has made many changes in the education sector for the last few days. Every day someone remains in headlines because of some decree or order. In the last few days, KK Pathak withheld the salaries of absent teachers without any notice after inspection. So sometimes issued a decree regarding school and coaching. For the past several days, talks of confrontation with KK Pathak and Education Department Minister Chandrashekhar are also coming to the fore in the media.

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