
Bihar: Smart meter customers are not fined for spending more electricity than the load, know what the electricity department says


Patna. Consumers are expected to get relief from heavy fines imposed for consuming electricity in excess of the load. The electricity supply companies of the state have said that after installation of smart prepaid meters, no penalty will be imposed on consumers for the excess demand of the load for the first six months. Electricity bills will be issued for this period only on the basis of actual load and consumption. The companies have filed a petition in the Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission regarding its approval. On the instructions of the Commission, the companies have published the draft related to this and sought suggestions and objections from the common people till June 13.

Consumers themselves will be able to modify the load

The power company has said in the proposal that for the first six months, the demand fee will be charged every month on the basis of actual demand. During this, the consumers will be able to modify the load according to their own assessment. But after a period of six months after installation of smart meter, if the actual demand of the consumer exceeds their permanent load, then penalty will be added to their bill. However, before this consumers will be informed on mobile app or through SMS. The company has made this arrangement so that the consumer can get used to this system without any penalty.

Objection will be submitted before the commission

A copy of the petition filed in the Commission for inclusion of suitable provisions in the Bihar Electricity Supply Code, 2007 is available in the office of the Chief Engineer (Commercial) of the electricity companies. It has also been uploaded on the official website of Discom. Companies have said that objections or suggestions related to this can be lodged personally or through registered post with appropriate documents before the Secretary of Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission located at Vidyut Bhavan. Based on this the commission will take the final decision.


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