
Bihar: Police dragged the doctor who sexually abused a female doctor from the hospital in Gaya, know the matter..

Bihar Crime News: On Thursday, the police of Muzaffarpur’s Ahiyapur police station arrested Dr. Atul Shekhar (a resident of Begusarai district), posted in the pediatric department of Magadh Medical College Hospital, Gaya, for sexually abusing a female doctor on the pretext of marriage and took him to Muzaffarpur. During the arrest of Dr. Atul Shekhar, there was a lot of drama in the premises of Magadh Medical. Later the police took the doctor away.

Arrest from Magadh Medical College

Ahiyapur Police Station President Arun Kumar told that on June 21, 2023, the said female doctor had lodged an FIR against Dr. Atul (station case number 774/23) regarding sexual abuse and other serious matters. On Thursday, IO Vinita Kumari and other policemen were sent to Magadh Medical College. The accused has been arrested from the campus itself. The victim, who reached Gaya with the Muzaffarpur police, told that she had befriended Dr. Atul during her MBBS studies. After this, he sexually assaulted her on the pretext of marriage and when it came to marrying, he refused.

Ahiyapur Police Station said

Here, Ahiyapur police station chief Arun Kumar told that this matter also reached the relatives of both. There has been an argument from both the sides. The matter got worse during the transaction of money and the doctor refused to marry. After this he got his transfer and joined Magadh Medical College Hospital. It is alleged that even during this period, Dr. Atul sexually assaulted the victim several times.

Sexual exploitation on the pretext of marriage with a female doctor

On Thursday, the police of Muzaffarpur’s Ahiyapur police station arrested Dr. Atul Shekhar, a resident of Begusarai district, posted in the pediatric department of Magadh Medical College Hospital, Gaya, on the charge of sexually assaulting a female doctor for several years on the pretext of marriage. After taking necessary action at Magadh Medical Station, the police took the arrested doctor with them and left for Muzaffarpur. However, during the arrest of accused Dr. Atul Shekhar, there was a lot of gimmick in the premises of Magadh Medical College Hospital. When the police of Muzaffarpur district reached the Magadh Medical Hospital premises, Dr. Atul sat in the hospital superintendent’s chamber.

misbehavior with the female constable

During this, the body language and behavior of the accused Dr. Atul Shekhar towards the police officials was such that there is no case against him. The female constable of Ahiyapur police station had come to arrest him. Dr. Atul also misbehaved with the female inspector. During this, other officials sitting in the Superintendent’s office also tried to convince Dr. Atul that there is a case against you. You should see the documents related to the police and the court very well. You are in a government job and you have to follow the rules.

Doctors kept sitting in the chamber, police arrived

Dr. Atul Shekhar Superintendent kept sitting in the chamber even after telling all the things. Then Magadh Medical Police Station President Shailesh Kumar reached there with his team. He also tried to convince Dr. Atul Shekhar. But, he was not ready to cooperate with the police team regarding his arrest. Then the Magadh Medical Police Station spoke to the DSP and other senior officers and apprised them of the whole situation.

Caught the waist with the help of belt and dragged away by the police

Meanwhile, the Superintendent also talked to the SSP. After this the Superintendent and other officials sitting there left the chamber. As soon as everyone left the chamber, the police team caught hold of Dr. Atul Shekhar’s waist with the help of a belt and dragged him out from there. During this, Dr. Atul Shekhar did a lot of uproar to get out of the grip of the police. Said a lot of good and bad to the policemen and media persons. During this, the police team of Muzaffarpur district made Dr. Atul Shekhar sit in the police vehicle and took him to Magadh Medical Station. There too, Dr. Atul Shekhar was threatening the police and media persons saying that “How long will you be in jail? When we will come out of jail, we will get the uniforms of these policemen removed,

Letter sent to the headquarters after the doctor’s arrest

Information is being sent to the health department officer regarding the arrest of Dr. Atul Shekhar from Magadh Medical Hospital. In the matter of suspending the arrested doctor, a decision will be taken by the Health Department. Information about the entire situation is being given to the department through letters. In such a case, the hospital management cannot support any employee or doctor.

Dr. NK Paswan, Deputy Superintendent, Magadh Medical College Hospital

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