
Bihar Police becomes hi-tech, manual entry from FIR to station diary will be stopped in police stations from next month

Patna. In all the police stations of Bihar, along with FIR, station diary will also be written online on CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and System). It will start from Patna district on December 5. After this, it will be implemented in all the remaining districts from December 15. From January 1, 2024, the traditional manual entry of FIR and station diary will be completely stopped in any police station of the state. On Monday, Bihar Police’s Additional Director General of Police (Headquarters) Jitendra Singh Gangwar gave this information in a regular briefing.

Digital entry will bring transparency and credibility

ADG said that at present digital entry of FIR is being done directly on CCTNS portal in 964 out of 1033 police stations of the state. Now the station diary is also being digitized. There is a provision to write station diary every two hours in all police stations. During the said period, all the arrests, FIRs, law and order, crimes, arrival and departure of officials, case investigation, seizure list etc. happening in the police station are written in the station diary. Till now, traditionally these things are sometimes unreadable due to being written on paper. These are analyzed incorrectly. But, now when uploaded digitally, it will be clear and completely readable. This will maintain transparency and credibility among the common people.

From SP to headquarters officers will be able to see in one click

The advantage of the station diary being digitized along with the FIR will be that now officers sitting in the police headquarters, IG, DIG and SP will be able to read the station diary of any police station with one click of the computer. This will be possible through CCTNS network. This will keep them informed about the actual activities going on in the police stations. The responsibility of keeping the station diary digitally updated will rest with the police station incharge and additional police station incharge. ADG Headquarters said that special training is being given to officers at the police station level. Along with this, data entry people are being posted in all the police stations. As per requirement, detailed SOP is being prepared and sent to all the districts for guidance and direction.

If there is delay in application, it will be recorded in the station diary.

ADG Headquarters has also cautioned the general public and advised them not to delay the application. He said that many times when incidents occur, law and order problems are created by blocking roads or delaying the filing of FIR. In such cases, delay on the part of the plaintiff will also be recorded in the records of the station diary.

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