
Bihar: Playing with the dead body of an innocent burnt by acid, lying on the bed for hours and the ventilator running


Another major case of negligence in SKMCH in Muzaffarpur came to the fore on Wednesday. The surprising thing is that as serious as the government is in improving the system here, due to the indifference of the staff here, a case of shame to humanity is regularly coming to the fore. Three-year-old Riya Kumari, who was burnt in the Chakia acid incident admitted here on Monday, died on Wednesday. Riya, who was admitted to the ICU of the surgery department, was declared dead by doing an ECG at 10 am, but the ventilator and monitor were removed at 6 pm.

Machine removed at 6 pm

The dead body was lying on the bed for about eight hours since morning. The monitor remained on and the ventilator continued to run. When the hospital superintendent Dr. Deepak Kumar got information about this at 6 pm, the ventilator was removed. The girl’s mother Sheela Devi told that Riya was lying unconscious since seven in the morning. He was not breathing. His body had become cold. Three hours after repeated requests to the doctor, the ECG was done at 10 am. At that time the doctor declared him dead, but the ventilator attached to Riya was not removed. At six in the evening, the hospital manager switched off the monitor and got the ventilator removed. Hospital Superintendent Dr. Deepak Kumar said that instructions were given to the hospital manager in this regard. This matter will be investigated.

how did the incident happen

The whole incident is of Chakia of Muzaffarpur. Raman Paswan’s family was sleeping in a ward number 16 here on Sunday night. At the same time Mahesh Bhagat threw acid on his family. It is being told that Mahesh Bhagat had a love affair with Raman’s wife. Where did you hear about something? After this he carried out this incident. Sheela Devi and two small children were badly burnt along with Raman in the incident. Out of this, Riya died on Wednesday.


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