
Bihar News: Terror of thieves and snatchers in trains and at Patna Junction, know how passengers are being made victims..

Bihar News: A gang of thieves and snatchers is active at Patna Junction. If you are traveling by train during Holi, then travel with caution. These days, such incidents are coming to light inside the train and on the platform of the junction. Even before reaching Patna Junction, the chain of a passenger’s bag was opened and jewelery worth lakhs was made missing. Whereas in another incident, the miscreant escaped after snatching a gold chain on the platform of Patna Junction.

Passenger in poor chariot made victim, jewelery stolen from bag

By opening the chain of the bag of the wife of tent businessman Rajkumar Srivastava, who was coming from Kolkata to Patna Junction, the miscreants made away with jewelery worth Rs 1.50 lakh and Rs 4,000 in cash. This incident happened while coming from Lohanipur Kathpulwa to Patna Junction. Rajkumar Srivastava was coming from Kolkata to Patna in Garib Rath with his entire family. As Patna Junction was nearing, Rajkumar started bringing his luggage to the gate. Probably during this time he and his family got distracted and someone opened the chain of the bag and made his wife’s jewelery and cash disappear.

Train was about to reach Patna Junction, hunted at the gate

When Rajkumar got down on the platform, he found the chain of the bag open, he became suspicious and when he checked, all the jewelery was missing. Rajkumar has a shop named Bharat Lal Tent House in Purandarpur and he also lives with his entire family. Rajkumar Srivastava told that this incident happened while coming from Kathpulwa to Patna Junction. A case has been registered in GRP. Here, the police have registered a case with GRP and are busy investigating the matter.

Snatched a gold chain on the platform of Patna Junction

The miscreants snatched a gold chain worth about Rs 1.20 lakh from the neck of Sneha Kumari, a woman who had reached Patna Junction by train from Ahmedabad and fled away. This incident happened at five in the morning on March 22. Sneha had come to Patna Junction from Ahmedabad with her husband Abhinav. Her husband works in a private company in Ahmedabad and along with his family had come to his ancestral home in Gonava Ataua in Nawada during Holi holidays.

snatched while exiting the station

According to the information received, the husband and wife reached Patna Junction by train from Ahmedabad and were coming out of the station with luggage on platform number two. Meanwhile, a miscreant arrived and snatched the gold chain from her neck. The miscreant carried out the incident so fast that not only Sneha but her husband Abhinav were stunned. In this regard, a case has been registered in Patna Junction GRP on Abhinav’s statement and the CCTV camera footage is being scrutinized.

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