
Bihar Monsoon Update: Rain will be less than normal in Bihar this year, know when the monsoon will knock


Bihar Monsoon Update: According to the Meteorological Center, there is a possibility of monsoon reaching Kerala by June 4 and Bihar by June 13-14. However, only after the monsoon knocks in Kerala by the Meteorological Department, the forecast will be issued in this regard across the country. According to the Meteorological Department, this year also the rainfall in Bihar is likely to be less than normal in the month of June. The average rainfall in Bihar in June is 167.7 mm. But according to the forecast, the normal rainfall in Bihar during monsoon is 1017.2 mm, but this time there is a possibility of less rainfall in total monsoon.

Monsoon stuck on the way

Actually, compared to last year, there is slowness in the spread of monsoon current this year. In such a situation, the monsoon is stuck on the way. For this reason, monsoon can knock a few days later than the predetermined date in India including Kerala. Monsoon usually arrives in Bihar on time or ahead of time. Monsoon normally hits Bihar 13 to 14 days after hitting the coast of Kerala.

Pre monsoon rains will continue

Before the onset of monsoon, pre-monsoon rains will continue for the next one month in the districts of East Bihar, Kosi, Seemanchal and Santal Parganas. There is a possibility of light rain or drizzle with light clouds. During this, the eastern wind will continue to blow. The average wind speed can be 12 to 16 kilometers per hour.

Railway alert about monsoon

It will start raining as soon as the monsoon arrives after a few days. During these rainy days, water comes on the track and soil erosion starts in the S area of ​​the rail bridge where there is a river. To avoid all these, a plan has been made by the Railways. During the rainy season, the places around the rail bridge, where there is a danger of erosion. These places are being monitored by the Railways. Patrolling will be done at night to keep an eye on them.


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