
Bihar: Message came on WhatsApp and lakhs of rupees flew away as soon as the link was opened, panic among bank account holders


Bihar News: A case of cybercrime has come to the fore in Chhapra, Bihar. Let us tell you that thugs are making people their victims here. People are being cheated by adopting different methods. People are also getting trapped in the clutches of cyber criminals. The latest case is of Chhapra’s Sonpur. Here, more than one lakh has been cheated from the accounts of two people including the PACS president of Kalyanpur Panchayat. According to the information, one lakh 48 thousand 970 rupees have been stolen.

FIR registered in police station

Let us tell you that after the cases of cyber fraud came to the fore, there has been a stir among the bank account holders here. Shiv Shankar Singh’s son Rakesh Kumar of Chhapra’s Meena Bazar has been cheated of Rs 48 thousand 960 through a link to his bank credit card. On the other hand, PACS President of Kalyanpur Panchayat Dinesh Kumar has been cheated of one lakh ten thousand rupees from the account of Punjab National Bank. In these cases FIR has been registered in Hariharnath OP and Sonpur police station. Pax president has given information in this whole matter. He has said that his Punjab National Bank account was cheated of more than one lakh.

Police engaged in investigation of the case

After this illegal withdrawal, PACS chairman informed the manager of Punjab National Bank about the matter. After that the police is engaged in the investigation of this whole matter. A similar incident has also happened with Rakesh Kumar Singh, son of Shiv Shankar Singh of Sonpur Meena Bazar. The account holder has also registered a case regarding this. He has informed that earlier he had received a phone call. After this the thugs sent the link on WhatsApp. As soon as this link was opened, about 50 thousand rupees disappeared from the bank in two times. Earlier, such an incident had also come to the fore in Sonpur. Here eight lakh rupees were withdrawn from the account holder’s account. The investigation of this matter is going on.

Published By: Sakshi Shiva


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