
Bihar: Married his girlfriend after living in live-in for two and a half years, then absconded the very next day, now the police is searching

A strange case has come to light in Sadar police station in Muzaffarpur, Bihar. A woman has complained that her lover was living with her for the last two and a half years. After this both of them got married. On the second day of marriage, her lover eloped. The woman has said in her complaint that she was already married. Was in a live in relationship with her boyfriend for two and a half years. After giving pressure, her alleged lover also got married in the temple. But, the very next day he left her and ran away. Now he has also blacklisted the phone number of the girlfriend-turned-wife. His alleged wife has given a written complaint against the youth of Siwaipatti in Sadar police station on Monday. The police is investigating the matter.

The woman was abandoned by her husband four years ago.

The woman told that her first husband left her and ran away four years ago. She was living alone with a child in a locality of Sadar police station area. Then he was identified with this young man from Siwaipatti. Both started living together. On Saturday, the woman reached the young man’s house in Siwaipatti with the help of an organization after he had eloped after marriage. Seeing the women, he also ran away from the house. When the family members came to know about her marriage, they are no longer ready to adopt this woman. The police of Sadar police station told that the matter is being investigated. The police of Sadar police station contacted Siwaipatti police station.

The young man is also absconding from home

His own family members are also very upset with the accused lover. It is being told that he has thrown her out of the house. The lover is absconding after seeing the police and his girlfriend at his house. It is being told that the police of Sadar police station and Siwaipatti police station are looking for him.

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