
Bihar: In Saharsa, a BPSC teacher returning from school was looted, the miscreants showed him a pistol and ran away after snatching the bike.

A case of robbery of a government teacher has come to light in Saharsa, Bihar. The incident took place on Sugama-Rasalpur main road of Banma Ithari OP area, where masked armed miscreants snatched the bike and mobile from a BPAC teacher at gunpoint late in the evening. According to the victim, he was coming to his native village Priyanagar in Saharsa after completing his school duty and when he found him alone, his bike and mobile were forcibly snatched away from him at gunpoint. The victim informed the local police along with his family about the incident.

The victim teacher told about the incident.

When the victim teacher informed the police about this incident, the police reached the spot. After reaching the spot, information about the case was taken and investigation was started. According to the information received, Dhananjay Kumar, elder son of Vinod Sinha, resident of ward number 2 of Priyanagar of Jamalnagar Panchayat, has become a government teacher this time after passing the BPSC examination. He has been appointed to Durga Higher Secondary School, Sahsol. It was told that he was returning from school after doing duty. He had some personal work in Saharsa which he started completing. Due to which he was late in coming home.

The incident occurred while returning home after completing school duty.

It was told that while returning home, when he reached near the Sugama-Rasalpur main road at 7:15 in the evening, seeing the deserted road, three armed masked miscreants on a white Apache bike surrounded him from the front and demanded the bike at gunpoint. . The miscreants also forcibly snatched away the mobile phone. The victim told that he was threatening to kill us if we did not give him the keys. There was no man around. He told that they snatched the bike and took it towards Simri Bakhtiyarpur road. In this regard, OP President Jyotish Kumar said that information about the matter has been received. Police has been sent to the spot. The bike will be recovered soon.

Special Secretary of Education Department conducted investigation in schools

Here, after the contribution of Additional Chief Secretary Education Department K Pathak, many changes are being seen in the Education Department. Along with 100% attendance of teachers in the school, the attendance of children has also increased significantly. At the same time, due to the ongoing surprise inspections in the light of departmental instructions, an atmosphere of fear remains among the teachers. Apart from the district committee, state level teams also regularly come to the district and conduct surprise inspections of government schools and colleges. Due to which schools are now running properly. On Friday, due to the surprise inspection of Special Secretary Satish Chandra Jha, there was a situation of panic in all the government schools and colleges in the district. However, the Special Secretary conducted a surprise inspection of dozens of schools of Mahishi block including the district headquarters. During this, he also gave many guidelines.

Investigation is creating panic in government schools

District Program Officer Secondary Education Rajneesh Kumar Jha, who was present during the inspection, said that the Special Secretary conducted a surprise inspection of Middle School Thanwar Mahishi and Secondary School Thanwar. During this time, if deficiencies were found in the school, instructions were given to send a proposal for transfer of the Principal of Secondary School Thanwar. In the investigation of middle school Mahisarho, children were interrogated. Adding to Mission Daksh, when children did not answer correctly, they were instructed to take special classes.

Conversation with BPSC teachers

Special Secretary inspected Kosi Adarsh ​​High School, Mahisarho. During this, he instructed the children to make special preparations in view of the upcoming board exams. During investigation in Balwa High School, interacted with newly appointed BPSC teachers and asked related questions to them. Expressed dissatisfaction over the quality of mid-day meal in middle school Baluaha. Instructed the departmental JE regarding the renovation of the verandah floor of Sirwar Middle School. The same Special Secretary also inspected dozens of schools in the district headquarters.

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