
Bihar: In Lakhisarai, the game of transporting sand on fake challans is going on indiscriminately, transportation in two vehicles on one challan

Lakhisarai: Sand is being transported indiscriminately in the district on fake invoices. A tremendous campaign was launched by the district administration last month regarding fake challans, in which two or three trucks were also caught with fake challans. Since then it was proved that sand is being transported and sold in the district with fake invoices. On the one hand, the sand mafia is getting rich by fake challans. At the same time, the sellers of fake invoices have also made a lot of money, while the mineral development revenue has to bear huge losses. The fake challan has come to the notice of the district administration, but no concrete action has been taken against it yet. Fake challans are being issued in various villages adjacent to the district headquarters.

With the opening of the sand side, the removal of fake invoices started

Initially, three sand banks were commissioned in the Kiul river at Chanan in the district. A few days after the sand side was commissioned, the game of fake challans started. Fake challans are being issued from small cafes in various villages adjacent to the district headquarters. From the barrier of the sand side, from where the challan of the sand side is cut, the photo of the challan is sent from WhatsApp, which is taken on the computer and the vehicle number is changed. In this way, apart from one vehicle on the original challan, another vehicle is run on the same fake challan on the same date. Cafe operators do this type of work only with marked persons.

Earning of 10 to 15 thousand rupees per day in fake invoice

He earns 10 to 15 thousand rupees per day by the mafia of fake invoices. It is surprising that a month and a half ago, the fake challan was caught by the district administration. Even after this, without taking further action by the administration, the matter was given medicine there itself. Due to which the game of fake challans is still going on in the villages adjacent to the city headquarters in the district. The game of fake challan first started from Chanan area. After which, the trend of fake challans is increasing in many places for illegal sand mining from Kiul river.

spoken officer

District Mineral Development Officer Randhir Kumar told that checking of challans is being done continuously. Action is taken when fake invoices, overloaded sand and other items are caught. He said that apart from district mining, fake challans are also being investigated by the local police station.

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