
Bihar: Forecast of seasonal diseases will be released, many information will be available a week before, know the reason and benefits..

Bihar News: Now forecast of seasonal diseases will be released in Bihar. People here will now get various types of information related to diseases a week in advance. People will also get many benefits from this. Common people are going to get many benefits from this. With the help of the government, an advisory will be issued a week before the spread of the diseases in the state. A special bulletin will be issued for this. It is said that a memorandum of understanding will be signed in this matter in the next two weeks. On the joint initiative of Patna Meteorological Center and AIIMS, a special forecast will be issued to prevent seasonal diseases in the state. This will also benefit people.

Spread of disease in certain temperatures.

According to the information, with the help of the state government, an advisory will be issued a week before the spread of these diseases. At present, the people here are suffering from many types of diseases. Diseases like AES and dengue have increased the problems of the people. It is said that the risk of seasonal diseases increases in a particular season. AIIMS doctors and meteorologists have found in the study that seasonal diseases spread in the state due to a specific amount of rainfall and a specific type of temperature. In such a situation, people will get many benefits if the forecast is released in time.

‘Bulletin will be issued as a forecast’

Release of forecast of seasonal diseases will help in making necessary preparations in advance. Adequate vigilance can be maintained. Director of Meteorological Center, Patna, Ashish Kumar has given information in this matter. He has told that a bulletin will be issued as a forecast. In this, information will be shared for the common people as well as health care workers. What is necessary to prevent disease? Information about this will be given. Let us tell you that being aware of the disease in time will help people in making precautionary preparations in advance. Common people will remain alert about the spread of the disease.

Know what is seasonal disease..

Seasonal disease is a disease that occurs specifically during different seasons and seasons as a result of their changing weather and environment. These diseases can be caused by various elements and most often viruses, bacteria, and even fungus. Among these, cold and flu (influenza) are among the most common seasonal diseases. These diseases are common diseases occurring around cold and seasonal changes. These are caused by viruses and usually include runny nose, sore throat and feeling tired.

Allergy is also a type of seasonal disease. Allergy is a reaction caused by flowers, dust or other substances of plants. It may change according to weather and environment. Regarding asthma, let us tell you that it is a respiratory tract infection which can arise due to seasonal changes and mostly cold weather. Dengue is also a seasonal disease. It is a disease caused by a mosquito-borne virus, which is more prevalent in summer and snowy weather. Climate-related mycositis is a type of fungal infection that can occur during the rainy season. Reanovirus infection is a type of viral infection that can occur during the rainy season. These diseases arise as a result of various weather and environmental factors and generally show an increase depending on their changing weather and climate.

Let us tell you that deterioration in health is considered common during the changing seasons. But, if some precautions are taken, any kind of health related problem can be avoided. Caution is very important to avoid seasonal diseases. Mostly during the rainy season, the number of patients suffering from common diseases like cold, cough, fever increases. At the same time, due to carelessness, seasonal diseases can also prove fatal. Therefore it is very important to be careful.

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