
Bihar: For the first time in five years, the lowest rainfall in July, farmers will not suffer, huge profit from this farming

Bihar News: Bihar has received less than normal rainfall so far this year. For the first time in the last five years, it has happened that in the initial phase of monsoon, there has been less rain than normal. At the same time, there is no chance of good rain. It may be known that the monsoon period is from June to September across the country. Monsoon rains from June 1 to September 30. In the month of June, the state has received 48 percent less rainfall. There is 156.3 mm of rain in the month of July. There, there should have been 268 mm of rain. There is no chance of rain now. The pace of monsoon has slowed down. Due to many crops, farmers will not be harmed by less rain. Farmers can earn huge profits by planting these crops.

Seeds will be available for free

Due to less rains, farmers have also started searching for alternatives to paddy. Farmers are planning alternative crops. It includes 15 crops. The seeds of these crops will be made available free of cost to the farmers after the area is affected by drought. Seeds will be provided free of cost to the farmers by Bihar Seed Corporation Limited. It has been said to make seeds available to the farmers of drought-affected panchayats. Preference will be given to small farmers and women in seed distribution for free. The Agriculture Department is busy preparing for this.

Cultivate crops with less water

Jowar, bajra, rapeseed, maize, urad and kulthi etc. are good options. At the same time, farmers should cultivate crops that require less water in such times. Urad is cultivated both in summer and rainy season. It is a pulse crop and requires less water. On the other hand, Arhar is sown in the month of July at the beginning of the rainy season. This is such a pulse crop, in which the need of irrigation is almost negligible. It takes eight to nine months from sowing to harvesting. Jowar and Bajra are cultivated in the rainy season and it gets ready after ripening in about four months. There is no need of separate irrigation in this. Moong is a summer pulse crop. It is sown in summer and requires very little irrigation.

Farmers do not benefit from little rain

Maize is cultivated in the rainy season. In some states, it is now being cultivated even in summer. Sesame also requires very less water. It may be known that in the month of Sawan people are suffering from heat in the state. On the other hand, a few days ago Thanke increased the problems of the people. The news of death of many people had come to light. After this, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced the compensation. At the same time, appealed to the people to be careful regarding Thanka. Amidst the fear of floods in Bihar, the news of drought is surprising many people. The reason for the fear of drought is the lack of rainfall in the state. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar also reviewed this and took stock of the drought situation. There are chances of drought. Not much rain is expected this month as well.

Please tell that there has been some rain in the state. But, its benefit has not reached the farmers. According to the information, even ten percent of the plantation has not been done in nine districts. Because, there is less rain in the months of June and July. There is a rainfall deficiency of up to 59 percent in 26 districts in the state. At the same time, there has been 41 percent less rainfall in June and July. The government has also decided to give diesel subsidy to the farmers. Along with this, orders have been given to ensure power supply for 12 hours. Farmers Official Website of Agriculture Department You can take advantage of the grant by applying on Apart from this, you can earn huge profits by growing crops that require less water.

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