
Bihar Election History: Atal went to call people for the rally

Bihar Election History: Rana Gauri Shankar from Munger. With changing times, the method of election campaigning has completely changed. On the other hand, the working style of politicians has also become hi-tech with modern comforts. But there were many politicians in the country whose simplicity continued to influence the common people. One of them was the country’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. In 1972, during the assembly elections, Atal ji himself campaigned for his party by tying a mike to a gig in Tarapur in Munger district and then addressed the same election meeting.

Atal Bihari was not satisfied after seeing the preparations for the meeting.

This incident of Atal ji is still alive in the memories of the old people of Munger. Senior Jan Sangh worker Shaligram Kesari says that advocate Jaikishore Singh was contesting elections from Tarapur in 1972. Atal ji’s election meeting was scheduled in Tarapur. Atal ji arrived. Seeing the preparations made by the local workers, Atal ji understood that the publicity had not been carried out properly. Atal ji told the workers – ‘You people prepare the meeting place and the stage and I will call the people and come.’ Atal ji went to the market with a worker and arranged for a mike. At that time gig was the main means of transportation there.

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Arrived for the meeting with a mike at the gig

A mike was set up at the gig itself and Atal ji started promoting his meeting with a towel tied on his forehead. After some time, when the crowd reached the venue and Atal ji came on the stage to deliver the speech, people saw that the person who was campaigning from the gig was Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Former district president of BJP and senior party leader Kumar Pranay says – ‘Atal ji’s meeting was held in Phulwariya (garden) of Tarapur. The incident of him sitting on the stage and promoting his election general meeting among the public even today thrills the people of this area.

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