
Bihar Crime: Loot of Rs 51 lakh from jewelery shop in Muzaffarpur

Bihar Crime: Gold and silver jewelery worth Rs 51 lakh was looted from a jewelery shop in Muzaffarpur on Wednesday. Three criminals riding a bike have committed this robbery by holding the jewelery shop owner and the customer hostage at gunpoint. By the time the shopkeepers started raising noise, the criminals fled from the shop.

Criminals captured in CCTV

After getting information about the incident, SSP Rakesh Kumar reached the spot with his team. After this, the incident site was investigated inside the jewelery shop. Police have interrogated shopkeeper Vinod Das, his son Gopal Kumar and shop staff Sonu Kumar in the case. When the police checked the CCTV camera installed in the shop, they found photographs of the three criminals captured in it. The police have started trying to identify the criminals.

The criminal entered the shop saying he wanted to buy a gold chain.

The owner of the jewelery shop told that first a criminal entered the shop posing as a customer. He took off the helmet from his head and placed it on the counter. He told the shop owner’s son sitting at the counter to take out the heaviest chain, we will spit from outside in a minute. After this he went out and entered the shop with his two more friends. All three took out their pistols and said that keep all the gold chains in this bag otherwise they will shoot. The criminals have looted about 675 grams of gold and one kilogram of silver.

Formation of SIT

To arrest the robbers, SSP Rakesh Kumar has formed a SIT under the leadership of City SP and ASP Town. Of the three criminals captured in CCTV footage, one is not wearing a mask. His age is said to be between 30 to 35 years. The criminals are being identified from CCTV footage. The criminals will be arrested soon.

Also Read: IPS Aditya Kumar’s suspension extended by 6 months, Dayashankar’s suspension ended, know the whole matter

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