
Bihar: Atiq was shot with Munger’s pistol, has connection with Hizbul Mujahideen and D Company


A state in Eastern India: In Uttar Pradesh’s mafia Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf Ahmed murder case, the SIT has revealed that both the brothers were shot three times with Mungeria weapon. Although the UP police has neither reached Munger nor has any contact been made with the Munger police to investigate this matter, but this is not the first incident when the connection of weapons of Munger has been found in major criminal incidents. The connection of arms and smugglers with terrorist, extremist and criminal gangs of the country has been revealed many times. This is the reason why Munger’s arms and weapons are smugglers in the custody of the National Investigation Agency (NIA). In its investigation, the NIA team has also come to Munger several times. The NIA has also announced a reward of two lakhs on Sanjeev Sah, an arms smuggler from Munger.

Munger’s arms are connected to Hizbul Mujahideen and D Company

In the year 2005, the member of NIA team Hizbul Mujahideen Mohd. Had reached Munger in search of Sathav. After this it came to light that the arms smugglers of Munger have links with terrorist and extremist organizations. In 2007, a young man Ranjit Kumar was caught by the police in Munger. 20 lakh rupees were deposited in his account from Mumbai in 10 days. On the tip of Banslal, who was arrested by the police in Mumbai, the Mumbai police reached Munger and arrested Ranjit. Banslal had accepted before the police that he sells the pistols ordered from Munger to D Company. While in 2014, an AK-47 weapon was recovered from the possession of a Pakistani terrorist at Pathan Kot railway station. He had told that a broker from Munger had made this weapon available. A few years ago, a weapon written Made in USA was found on the Pakistani border adjoining Punjab-Jammu Kashmir. Investigation found that the weapon was brought from Munger.

Arms smuggler of Bangladesh and Nepal was arrested

In 2009, Bangladeshi smuggler Mo Manna was arrested by Mufassil police station. In 2014, the Nayaramnagar police recovered an Austrian-made Glock pistol. Kundan Mandal of Haveli Kharagpur was arrested in this case. It was revealed in the investigation that this pistol was stolen from a Thai police officer. In September 2016, Kundan Mandal’s aide was arrested in Kishanganj with a Czech Republic-made Breta pistol. Praveer Das, a resident of Midnapore in Bangladesh, Ramvaran Mahato and Chandraveer of Nepal have been arrested in Munger in the arms case, who were members of the Maoist organization.

Smuggling is done by stealing army weapons

On 29 August 2018, Munger police arrested smuggler Imran with three AK-47 weapons. Investigation found that this weapon was stolen from the Ordnance Factory located in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Where army weapons are repaired. Between 2018 and 2019, Munger police recovered 22 AK-47 weapons. In the research, it was found that the personnel of the Ordnance Factory and the army personnel used to steal weapons from there and provide them to the smugglers of Munger and the smugglers worked to deliver them to the terrorists, extremists and criminals. A case has been registered in this matter in NIA Patna and till now its research is going on.

Mungeria weapon was used in Bangladesh terror attack

On July 1, 2016, the weapon used in the terrorist attack at the Holy Artisan Bakery Cafe in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, was also made in Munger. A report published in the Dhaka Tribune stated that three AK 22 rifles recovered from the terrorists were bearing the seal of a factory in Bihar and were sent to Bangladesh in mango baskets a month before the attack. The newspaper quoted Bangladesh’s head of counter-terrorism and transnational crime, Monirul Islam, as saying, “We have received information that these weapons were modified in Munger city of Bihar state of India and brought across the border to Dhaka.” After this, the connection of Mungeria weapon with terrorists spread all over the world.

NIA has put a reward of two lakhs on arms smuggler Sanjeev

In the year 2015, the NIA team reached Munger on Friday in the reconnaissance of many arms smugglers of Munger. It had conducted a thorough investigation by visiting the house of famous arms smuggler Sanoj Yadav, a resident of Shankarpur in Mufassil police station area. While the NIA team went to many places in East Colony police station and Kasimbazar police station area and investigated the connection of Munger’s arms smugglers with extremist organizations. In August 2021, the NIA has declared a reward of two lakhs on international arms smuggler Sanjeev Sah, a resident of Tikarampur of Mufassil police station area. Till date, neither the Munger police nor the NIA team has been able to arrest him. Even today he is doing the business of arms smuggling.

says superintendent of police

Superintendent of Police Jagunathreddy Jalareddy said that the Munger police has been conducting raids against arms manufacturing, storage and smuggling and has also been successful. Due to the fear of raids, many arms dealers have left Munger and made a base in other districts or other states. The police is also keeping an eye on those businessmen.


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