
BHU: One and a half hour conversation inconclusive, no entry of outsiders at night, WiFi closed in campus, force called

Varanasi: The case of molestation, assault and making of obscene videos of a student in Kashi Hindu University (IITBHU) has gained momentum. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi has targeted the UP government on the BHU incident. Priyanka Gandhi said that girl students are not safe even in educational institutions in UP. Even the word ‘dhikkar’ has been used for the government. Students’ protest continues against the incident. No solution was found in the conversation of one and a half hour. Talks of students are going on with the Director and Additional CP of Kashi Hindu University, IIT. 8:20 pm: For one and a half hour the students were adamant on their demand for concrete action and written assurance regarding security. Additional CP and IIT Director called ten girl students for talks in the building inside the Gymkhana ground. The students standing outside were shouting slogans. IIT administration has become alert after continuous incidents of molestation. The IIT administration has decided that now the entry of outsiders into IIT BHU will be restricted from 5 pm to 10 am.

Complaint lodged by the woman

According to the complaint lodged by the woman, she had gone out of the hostel with a friend on Wednesday night. They were near the Karman Baba temple, when three people came there on a motorcycle, forcibly took her to a corner and separated her from her friend and gagged her. After this, the accused stripped the woman and made a video of her and took photographs. . The complaint states that they let him go after 15 minutes and took his phone number. Based on the woman’s complaint, an FIR was registered at the Lanka Police Station under section 354 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) (assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and provisions of the IT Act. Is. , police said. Efforts are being made to identify the accused. Students gathered near Rajputana Hostel of IIT-BHU and protested against the incident. Following the incident, IIT-BHU Registrar Rajan Srivastava issued instructions that all barricades should be put in place around the campus from 10 pm to 5 am to ensure a safe environment for all staff and students of the institute. He Said that the security guards deployed on night duty will allow only vehicles with BHU stickers and people with BHU identity cards to enter the campus.

Kissed at gunpoint, made to remove clothes… then made a video too

In the FIR, the student said, I (the victim) had come out of my hostel New Girls IIT BHU. As soon as I reached Gandhi Smriti Hostel intersection, my friend met me. Both of them were going together when on the way a bike came about 400 meters from Karman Baba Temple. Three people were sitting on the bike. They parked their bike there and separated the student and her friend. Pressed the girl’s mouth completely. Then took him to a corner. Kissed him. After that, he removed all his clothes and made a video and photo. When she screamed for help, he threatened to kill her. Also took his phone number and kept him hostage for 10-15 minutes. Left after that. The student further says, “From there I ran to my hostel. I heard the sound of a bike from behind. I got scared and went inside the professor’s house. I stayed there for 20 minutes. After that I contacted the professor and he Drop me to the gate of my house. From there, Rahul Rathore of the Parliament Security Committee drops me to the IIT BHU patrolling guard.” In the FIR, the student has also revealed the identity of the accused.

Priyanka Gandhi cornered the government on IIT BHU incident

Priyanka Gandhi has expressed anger over the IIT incident. Questioned whether a student cannot even roam around in her campus. At the end it was written on Yogi government, shame on him. Congress has also criticized this before. In protest against the incident, students from the entire campus gathered and sat on a dharna. The students sitting on the dharna said that this is a bigger incident than the molestation incident that took place in BHU in 2017. According to the protesting students, such incidents happen daily in the campus but there is no arrangement of any kind regarding security here. ACP has called more force. The students’ protest is becoming more aggressive. Wi-Fi in the IIT campus of BHU has been closed as a precautionary measure.

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