
BHU: Amritadi powder is more effective in the treatment of chronic arthritis, proved in the research of Ayurveda Faculty.

Arthritis is a problem which makes a person helpless even in walking. In this, there is problem of pain, swelling in joints and stiffness in hands and legs. There is good news for patients suffering from arthritis. A research conducted by the Department of Physical Therapy of the Faculty of Ayurveda in BHU has revealed that Amritadi powder is more effective than allopathy medicines in the treatment of arthritis.

This research work has been published in Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine Journal. Prof. Rajendra Prasad told that for those suffering from chronic arthritis, Ayurvedic medicine Amrit etc. powder is very beneficial in controlling its symptoms without any side effects for getting relief from the disease.

Research done on 60 patients

Actually, Prof. in the Department of Physical Medicine. Rajendra Prasad, Prof. Researcher Dr. Khushboo Aggarwal has done this research under the leadership of Jyoti Shankar Tripathi. Under this, 60 patients of arthritis were included. The patients were made into three groups of 20 each. The patients of the first group were given only Amritadi powder made from Giloy, Gokshura, Dry ginger, Gorakhmundi and Varun.

Patients consuming Amritadi Churna got more benefits

The patients of the second group were given Amritadi powder along with other medicines. Patients in the third group were given an allopathic medicine. Patients were treated for three months. The symptoms that came after this were studied. It was concluded that the patients of the first group who took Amritadi Churna got the most benefit in curing the disease. The third group was given only allopathic medicine, they got more relief from pain temporarily, but later many other problems started occurring due to taking medicines.

Pro. According to Rajendra Prasad, the research done in the department has shown that allopathic medicines provide quick relief but do not provide a permanent solution. Taking these medicines for a long time can also cause damage to the liver, kidneys, intestines etc.

10 rupee coin stuck in teenager’s chest, doctor removed it without operation

In Sonbhadra, a teenager swallowed a 10 rupee coin while playing. That coin got stuck in his chest below his neck. The family members immediately took him to Hindalco Hospital. There, after a lot of hard work, the doctors succeeded in taking out the coin without any operation. After this, Kishore’s family heaved a sigh of relief.

Actually, Avinash (13), son of Dharamjeet Singh, resident of Anpara, swallowed a coin of ten rupees while playing on Thursday. Because of this he was having severe pain in his neck and chest. The family members immediately reached Hindalco Hospital with the teenager. In the preliminary investigation conducted by ENT specialist Dr. Shobhit Srivastava, no coin was seen in the child’s neck.

It did not take long for the doctor to understand that the coin could slip down and enter the chest or stomach. Under the direction of Dr. Bhaskar Dutta, CMO of Hindalco Hospital, Dr. Shobhit Srivastava did an X-ray of the child’s chest. In the X-ray report, a Rs 10 coin was clearly visible stuck in the lower part of the chest.

Coin taken out using telescopic method

It was the result of the doctor’s wisdom that he decided to anesthetize the child without any delay and take out the coin. The doctor removed the coin without surgery through a telescopic method, due to which not only the child but also his family members heaved a sigh of relief. The child was sent home safely within some time.

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