
Bharat Ratna: Karpoori Thakur was the pioneer of social justice, laid the foundation of reservation system on economic basis.

Author- Ramnath Thakur, Leader Parliamentary Party (Rajya Sabha), Janata Dal (U.)

How can anyone forget to remember Jannayak Karpuri Thakur ji with respect on his birth centenary (January 24, 1924)? His ostentation-free and simple lifestyle was exemplary. His humble image of fairness, honesty, generosity and good intentions attracted many people. It is unquestionably true that Thakur ji gave priority to his principles, ideals and values ​​rather than doing any favor or benefit to his precious life and family. Familyism and dynasty were considered fatal for democracy.

He continued to oppose this tradition and trend. He never compromised with his ideals and principles to bring his children into politics. The influence of his aura on me was so strong that I never allowed my political ambitions to emerge. I was brought up in a political family, so political ambition was not unusual. To tell you the truth, if I had become childish, Thakur ji would have retired from politics. He was very determined. The world keeps cursing me. While fulfilling the duty of a son, I did not let his spotless image get tarnished.

Study and analysis of ‘Karpuri Formula’ is necessary

Today, when the poor people of the general category are being given the benefit of reservation in government jobs and educational institutions on economic basis, there is an urgent need to study and analyze the ‘Karpoori Formula’ of reservation prevalent in the state of Bihar. There have been diverse forms of social thought and movement in different periods of development of human society. The truth cannot be denied that the caste system and caste system have had a widespread impact in India. It has been affecting life to a great extent. In today’s context it is mentioned that political change is influenced by caste equation and integration. The caste structure was such that inequality and discrimination prevailed. Many contemporary thinkers and social reformers have made every effort from time to time to remove the evils of the caste system.

Public leader Karpuri Thakur was a selfless worker.

Jananayak Karpuri Thakur has played an active role in the socialist movement of India. He has successfully led many social movements. Especially in Bihar, due to Thakur’s fighting spirit, the social revolution could become sharp and effective. His contemporaries considered him a pioneer of social change. He said that the Indian social structure was based on discrimination and inequality.

The veteran leaders of the socialist upper caste community were advocates of a social system based on the principle of equality and wanted to establish an exploitation-free society. I would like to respectfully remember such leaders of the country and state. At the national level, the names of Smritishesh SM Joshi, Madhu Limaye, Ram Narayan, Pandit Ramanandan Mishra, George Fernandes and at the state level, Pandit Ramanand Tiwari, Suraj Narayan Singh, Shri Krishna Singh, Shri Kapildev Singh are notable.

Their ideas were given prominence in the principles, programs, objectives and policy decisions of socialism. Such thoughtful, sensitive and principled people were great advocates of bringing the downtrodden, neglected and despised people of the society into the mainstream of social development by providing them special opportunities. Thakur ji was a selfless worker.

The foundation of reservation system was laid on economic basis

It would not be out of place to mention that Jannayak Karpoori Thakur ji, during his Chief Ministership (1978), had ensured 26 percent reservation on social and economic grounds by following the constitutional provisions. In this system, poor people of general class (upper caste) were given the benefit of three percent reservation on economic basis. In this, three percent reservation was approved for women of all castes.

In today’s situation, enlightened people will definitely accept that what was the number of educated women from backward classes 40 years ago? Especially the number of women from backward castes receiving higher education was negligible. Backward class women could not stand before the power of upper caste women, there may have been some exceptions. In this way the mathematics is clear. The total reservation of 6 percent, including upper caste men and women, was practically in favor of the upper caste groups.

The provision of reservation was just and logical considering the population of Bihar state at that time. In this way, Thakur ji had laid the foundation of reservation system on economic basis. The system of reservation that establishes coordination, balance, harmony and harmony was then publicized as the “Karpuri Formula” of reservation. “The Karpuri formula was a balanced formula to maintain social harmony in which all sections of the society had a stake.

Bring social and economic harmony with science

During his tenure, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur abolished land revenue from unprofitable land holdings, abolished the requirement of English in the matriculation examination, waived the fees of all children for studies up to high school, served the Bihar government on social and economic grounds. Providing reservation in Indian Railways, abolishing Kheva (tax) levied on the banks of rivers, providing books, notebooks and pencils to all the children in primary schools, etc. were extraordinary works which tried to bring social and economic harmony along with science.

Kailashpati Mishra, the then Jan Sangh component and leader of the party merged with the Janata Party, was a senior minister. Shri Chandrashekhar, the then Honorable President of Janata Party, who himself was upper caste and was much talked about and admired as a ‘Young Turk’, had given approval to implement the system of reservation. In the manifesto of Janata Party, reservation was promised on social basis. Despite all this, only Thakur ji was tortured.

He was severely criticized for using indecent language. Even after drinking the poison of insult, he did not get distracted and discouraged in his public life, but continued to challenge and shake the deprived, neglected and oppressed people with indomitable courage and determination. Former Chief Minister and respected leader from the upper caste, Jagannath Mishra justified the ‘Karpuri formula’ of reservation and supported it.

‘Karpoori Formula’ expands 35% reservation for women

The significance of providing separate three percent reservation to women is proved by the decision of Honorable Chief Minister Nitish Kumar in favor of women. Brother Nitish Kumar’s slogan is ‘Reserved employment, women’s rights’. Giving strength to the campaign of women empowerment, the decision of 35 percent reservation for women in all government jobs of the state expands the ‘Karpuri formula’ of reservation and proves it right.

In the sixties and seventies, political awareness was arising at a rapid pace among the middle castes of India. Even in Bihar, there was anxiety and restlessness among the middle castes for their share in the governance system. If the provision of reservation was not made then the people of the deprived society would have become active in violent movements to demand their rights. The social fabric would break to such an extent that it would be difficult to put it back together. Thakur ji must have taken the decision after understanding this truth. In the words of national poet Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ we can say:-

“There is no peace until men have equal enjoyment of pleasures.”

No one should have too much, no one should have less.

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