
Bhagalpur Weather: Heat snatches sleep, hypertension patients increase, take care of yourself like this from heat stroke

Bhagalpur: The scorching heat has made life difficult for people, animals and animals. There is no drop in temperature. The itching in leprosy is that the moisture is decreasing. On Tuesday, the maximum temperature was recorded 42.2, while the minimum temperature was 24.5 degree Celsius. The humidity was 73 per cent, while it was 74 per cent on Monday. The west wind moved at a speed of 7.7 kilometers per hour. People are unable to sleep at night due to the heat. Due to this people are facing problems. Along with this, people are becoming victims of hypertension. Dr. Sunil Kumar, the nodal officer of Bihar Agricultural University’s Rural Meteorological Service, said that the sky is likely to remain clear in Bhagalpur district from June 7 to 11. There is no chance of rain now. During this, there is a possibility of western wind. The average wind speed can be seven to 12 kilometers per hour. The rise in temperature is likely to continue. Farmers have been advised to irrigate hot vegetables and maize crops as per requirement during this period. Keep animals indoors or in the shade. Stay at home yourself, drink water as much as possible.

The district administration has also advised to be cautious

People are troubled by the strong sunlight and heat stroke. The district administration has advised people to be cautious regarding this. This type of heat can sometimes prove to be fatal. Suggesting to avoid this, it has been said that as far as possible do not go out in the hot sun. Drink water as often as possible, drink water again and again. Always keep drinking water with you while traveling. Wear light colored, loose fitting and cotton clothes when you go out in the sun. Use sunglasses. Soak the towel and put it on the head and walk after wiping the face. Have a good meal before going out. Do not do too much physical work in high temperature. Consume more of watermelon, cucumber, cucumber, melon, orange etc. Don’t eat meat, eggs and dry fruits. Consume homemade beverages lassi, salt-sugar solution, buttermilk, lemon-water, mango panna regularly. If you do not feel well or feel dizzy, contact a doctor immediately.

what to do when you get heatstroke

  • Make the heat stroked person lie down in the shade. loosen their clothes

  • wipe the body with a cold wet cloth or take a cold shower

  • Use cooler fan etc. to lower the body temperature

  • Keep wet and cold cloth on neck, stomach and head again and again

  • Let drink ORS or lemon-water, salt-sugar solution

  • If the condition does not improve within an hour, take him to the nearest health center immediately.

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