
Bhagalpur: A teenager died under suspicious circumstances in the remand home, brother made a serious allegation by writing a letter

A state in Eastern India: The brother of the deceased has corresponded in the case of death under suspicious circumstances on June 27, in the case of the death of a teenager against the law, which was closed in the observation home (remand home) at Badi Khanjarpur in Bhagalpur. Making serious allegations against the remand home management regarding the incident, the brother of the deceased has written a letter to the chairpersons of Central and State Human Rights Commission, Child Commission and Backward Classes Commission, demanding proper investigation in the matter and appropriate action.

The boys there used to press their hands and feet

Along with this, questions have also been raised regarding the investigation done at the administrative level and the police level. In the letter, the brother of the deceased teenager has written that on June 23, a case was registered under the prohibition and excise sections. On the other hand, being a juvenile, his brother was sent to the Juvenile Home/Juvenile Center on 24 June. After which he and other family members went to the observation home on June 27 to meet his brother. In the meeting held on the same day, his brother told that there he is made to use big utensils used for cooking, and some boys from there force him to touch his hands and feet and beat him.

was threatened with consequences

When he wanted to complain about this to the warden, they refused to meet him. When those people were coming back after talking to their brother, some of the boys living there also threatened their brother of dire consequences. The applicant has written alleging in the case that his brother was murdered under a conspiracy in the remand home premises itself. To hide the matter, the management is refusing to speak anything on the matter.

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