
Bengal News: NCSC summons IG, SP and DM to Delhi in the murder of a minor in Kaliaganj


The National Scheduled Commission has summoned three officials of the state administration to Delhi for not cooperating in the investigation into the allegations of rape and murder of a minor in Kaliaganj. The commission has summoned the IG of North Bengal, the SP of North Dinajpur and the District Magistrate to Delhi on May 5. Arun Halder, vice-chairman of the commission, said on Thursday that if he did not appear on that day, an arrest warrant would be issued against him using the constitutional powers of the commission. He said that the commission has summoned the IG of North Bengal, the SP of North Dinajpur and the District Magistrate. He has to appear on May 5. If they do not appear, the commission will issue summons against them. The commission will arrest them and present them.

At the same time, the IG of Kaliaganj police station, the investigating officer of the incident and Sana Akhtar, SP of North Dinajpur, have also been recommended by the commission to be suspended. In fact, on April 23, Arun Haldar, the vice-chairman of the National Scheduled Commission, had reached Kaliaganj to investigate the incident. It is alleged that the administration obstructed them and threatened them. He had said that the members of the National Scheduled Commission are appointed by the President. They can inquire into allegations of atrocities against Scheduled Castes anywhere in the country. He also has judicial powers. As per protocol, when a member of the commission goes to investigate an incident, he is accompanied by the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police. But none of these was found in Kaliaganj. He said that the National Commission has reached from Delhi and the investigating officer has not yet reached the spot.

CBI investigation should be done in Kaliyaganj and Kaliachak incident

The safety of women is in danger due to incidents happening one after the other in many places of the state including Kaliyaganj, Kaliachak. The morale of the criminals is high. They are openly carrying out the crime. Against this, the student council took out a procession from Vidhan Bhavan to Moulali. It was led by Saurabh Prasad, president of the student council. Condemning the failure of the Chief Minister, the workers sat on a dharna in the middle of the road. The road blockade was removed with the intervention of the police. The protesters were demanding a CBI inquiry into the Kaliyaganj and Kaliachak incidents. Student leaders Papai Ghosh, Devjyoti Das, Arindam Goswami, Shaheed Qureshi, Priyanka Chaudhary etc were present on this occasion.


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