
Begusarai Weather: The temperature will increase further, know when you will get relief from heat and sun, follow these tips to prevent heat stroke…

A state in Eastern India: In Begusarai again a record 43 degree Celsius temperature was recorded on Saturday. People are getting light due to the heat wave blowing with strong sunlight and the roads are looking deserted. The Meteorological Department had earlier given indications of heat wave and high temperature, the effect of which is now being seen in the clean district. From seven o’clock in the morning, there is such a scorching sun that it is difficult for people to come out. People who have gone out of the house even for essential work are hesitating to leave the house and are waiting for the evening.

The crowded area also remains deserted in the afternoon

Due to the humid heat and embers raining from the sky, the congested residential areas have also started looking deserted in the afternoon. Markets like Traffic Chowk, Hiralal Chowk, Kali Sthan Chowk, Nagarpalika Chowk are deserted in the afternoon. There used to be a crowd of people from morning till evening at these places, but due to the scorching heat this area looks deserted.

Mercury expected to rise further after June 12

The heat in the afternoon was so much that the mercury crossed 43 degrees. The maximum temperature was recorded around 41 between 12 and 2 pm on Saturday afternoon, while 43 degrees was recorded between 3 and 4 pm. At the same time, after 5 pm, the minimum temperature was estimated to be around 39. With the rise in mercury, the problems of the people have also started increasing. According to the experts of the Meteorological Department, after June 12, the mercury is expected to rise further.

Consume liquid substances in the scorching heat

To avoid heat and heat stroke, the health department has said that drink more and more water. Wear only thin and light colored clothes that absorb sweat. Avoid going in the sun, if it is necessary to go in the sun, then go out wearing glasses, umbrellas, caps. Keep enough drinking water with you while traveling. Use ORS or home-made beverages like lassi, mand, lemon-water, buttermilk, so that there is no shortage of water in the body. If possible, avoid getting out in the middle sun from 12 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. The main symptoms of heat stroke are weakness in the body, dizziness, severe headache, sweating and sometimes fainting.

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