
Before the Lok Sabha elections, the intentions of Latehar Naxalites were foiled, 8 container bombs recovered

In Latehar district, 8 series container bombs were planted in the forest to cause harm to the security forces during the Lok Sabha elections 2024. The security forces foiled this plan of the militants/Naxalites.

CRPF soldiers are running campaign before Lok Sabha elections

Personnel of 11 battalions of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) recovered the container bomb and destroyed it. On Monday (April 15), on the instructions of CRPF 11 Battalion Commandant Ved Prakash Tripathi, CRPF 11 Battalion and District Police Force, under the leadership of Second Commanding Officer Vinod Kumar Kanojia, conducted a raid operation in Lohra forest of Morwai village of Barwadih police station area of ​​the district.

8 bombs weighing 1.5 kg each recovered, soldiers defused them

During the raid operation, 8 container bombs in the series of 1.5 kg each were recovered. After this, the bomb disposal squad cordoned off the entire area and safely destroyed the recovered bomb in the forest itself. On the instructions of the Commandant, security forces along with dog squad are conducting raid operations in the surrounding forests including Lohra.

IED, container bomb planted to harm soldiers

Let it be known that a large quantity of IEDs have been hidden by the Maoists in this area to cause harm to the police. Every day, IEDs and container bombs are recovered during the search operations of security forces. Therefore, police and security forces personnel continuously conduct operations in the forests and mountains to uncover the plans of Naxalites.

Also Read: Naxalites’ conspiracy failed again in Jharkhand, eight kg IED bomb recovered from Ranchi’s Tamara.

Also Read: Two cylinder bombs recovered from Kojaram forest of Kunda

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