
Before Diwali, the climate of many cities of UP is very bad, the number of respiratory patients has increased, know where is the AQI.

Air Pollution: At the beginning of winter, the climate of the cities of Uttar Pradesh has deteriorated due to pollution. This situation is likely to worsen during the festival season before Diwali. The air continues to remain poisonous in Bareilly district. Same is the condition of surrounding districts also. Bareilly’s air quality index (AQI) was 225 at 2 o’clock on Monday night. However, it had come down to 190 by 12 noon on Tuesday. But, it is expected to increase again by evening. According to meteorologists, 0 to 50 AQI is fine. It has less effect on health. 51-100 AQI is also fine. But, sensitive people may have mild respiratory problems. Not good after 101. Lung, heart and asthma patients have difficulty in breathing due to AQI of 101 to 200. 201-300 AQI is quite bad. Anyone living in such an environment for a long time is bound to have breathing problems. Bareilly’s AQI is more than 200. Therefore the number of respiratory patients has increased in Bareilly. Physician Dr. Nadeem says, make sure to wear a mask before leaving the house. Be sure to take care of children and old people in case of increasing AQI. Along with this, wear a mask during morning and evening walks also. This will be better for health. However, in Delhi NCR it has reached 301 to 400. There is a risk of respiratory disease due to prolonged exposure to this environment. Civil Lines of Bareilly city is the most polluted. The air quality index (AQI) of Civil Lines is 207, while that of Rajendra Nagar is 197 and Subhash Nagar is 167. All three are in very poor condition. Along with Bareilly, the air of Badaun, Pilibhit and Shahjahanpur is also getting worse. It is difficult for the respiratory patients here to breathe.

Ghaziabad-Meerut among top 100 polluted cities of the world

Pollution is increasing very fast in UP. Ghaziabad here ranks fourth among the 100 polluted cities of the world. The AQI here was recorded at 458 on Tuesday morning. Meerut remained at 5th place. AQI of Meerut was 450. Noida’s AQI has been recorded at 390 at 17th place, Hapur’s 370 at 22nd place and Allahabad’s 301 at 35th place. Similarly, AQI of Kairana was recorded at 287 at 40th place, Faizabad at 282 at 42nd place, Bulandshahr at 261 at 49th place and AQI of 253 of UP capital Lucknow was recorded at 54th place. Similarly, Kanpur’s AQI is 246 at 56th place, Vrindavan’s AQI is 232 at 61st place, Firozabad’s AQI is 236 at 66th place, Hathras’s AQI is 203 at 82nd place and Etawah’s AQI is 203 at 83rd place. All these AQI are in very poor condition. Clean air is necessary for every human being. Its deficiency starts having adverse effects on health. The oxygen level of inhaled air should be 19.5 percent oxygen. Oxygen going below this causes harm.

Hospital full of patients, patients in distress

Bareilly’s hospitals are full of patients. As pollution increases here, diseases are increasing. Increase in AQI is quite dangerous for human health. Air pollution has the biggest impact on our lungs. In fact, polluted particles damage the tube leading to the human lungs, due to which the tube becomes thinner and this affects the lungs and the muscles around them. Air pollution can cause diseases like asthma even in healthy people. Apart from this, deadly diseases like pneumonia, asthma and lung cancer are also caused by air pollution.

Pollution can cause serious heart diseases

Due to air pollution, a disease called Nephropathy can also occur. It is directly related to the kidneys. Apart from this, there is also a risk of kidney damage due to carbon found in polluted air. Apart from lungs and kidneys, air pollution also attacks the heart. Air pollution can cause serious heart diseases. In such a situation, due to increase in air pollution, life-threatening diseases like heartbeat imbalance, heart failure and hypertension can occur. Symptoms of these problems start appearing on the body. Polluted air also affects our brain. According to doctors, polluted particles attack the brain of old people and elderly people. Due to this, they struggle to speak and face many difficulties even in solving simple mathematics problems.

Danger of pre-mature delivery due to pollution

Contaminated air and pollution also target pregnant women. Inhaling poisonous air also affects the fetus. This creates a risk of pre-mature delivery. Apart from this, the child’s weight may remain low at the time of birth, which can lead to serious problems like malnutrition. If you are facing problems like dryness, irritation, redness and eczema in human skin, then understand that air pollution is attacking your skin. The skin can be greatly affected due to the particles present in polluted air. Apart from air pollution, second hand smoke, radon, ultraviolet radiation, asbestos, exposure to some chemicals and other pollutants can also cause cancer. This cancer can prove fatal.

Report Muhammad Sajid, Bareilly

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