
Be it green chillies or coriander leaves, get them fresh whenever you want, make a kitchen garden easily at home.


Kitchen Garden Tips: Many times we make something delicious and do not find that special thing in the fridge that can enhance its taste. Like suddenly you run out of coriander leaves or green chillies, but when these things are easily available in fresh form in your house all the time throughout the year, then what to say! This can happen if you grow these plants in the kitchen garden.


  • How to grow: To grow tomatoes, choose a place where it gets enough sunlight.

  • Seed Preparation: Take some tomato seeds and put them in a paper cup.

  • fertile soil: Fill the cups with soil and let the plants germinate.

  • Plant in a pot: After the tomato plant grows, plant it again in a bigger pot.

  • Precautions : Tomato plants require watering every day, sometimes twice.



  • How to grow: Chillies require good amount of water and sunlight.

  • Varieties: From red, green, yellow and black to varieties like fresco, tabasco and jalapeno, they can all be grown at home.


Coriander :

  • How to grow: To grow coriander, soak some coriander seeds in water overnight.

  • fertile soil: Next day, remove the water and spread these soaked seeds in a pot filled with fertile soil.

  • Requirement of sun: Make sure the pot is kept in good sunlight and water it every other day.

  • Directly from seed: Coriander is grown directly from seeds.



  • How to grow: Mint is another plant which is very easy to grow in your backyard.

  • Gentle Cutting: It usually grows from tender cuttings of stems planted in soil.

  • Once the stems begin to grow, they rapidly spread over the soil surface.



  • How to grow: Lemon plant grows in shade during daylight.

  • Requirement of water and sunlight: It does not require a lot of sunlight or water.

  • Flower Buds: Its flower buds bloom and petals Lemon Except wither away. A healthy lemon plant will give you lemons in abundance.

curry leaves

Curry Leaves:

  • How to grow: Curry leaves grow from both cuttings and seeds.

  • Recipe: Adding thin buttermilk without salt to the pot in which curry leaves plant is growing helps the plant to grow well.



  • How to grow: Soak garlic cloves in water overnight

  • It can be sown in a wide pot or a small bed filled with moist soil.

  • Soft leaves of garlic start emerging in two to four five days.

  • You can use garlic leaves in poha or chutney, whose taste will double the taste of any food.



  • How to grow: Ginger grows from small clippings of ginger roots.

  • Sun required: The plant does not require sunlight, it grows in shade.

  • Tasty Leaves: Its roots and leaves are full of taste.

Kitchen Garden Tips

These plants can add variety, taste and health benefits to your kitchen.

Kitchen Garden Tips

By growing them at home, you can get your own crops full of freshness and taste, and make your kitchen even more beautiful and healthy.

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